A Choice

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Not a prompt but a kind of add on to the previous story about the space and time-altering cat storyline.Plus since it's close to UK Mother's Day I wanted to do a little focus on their mom.

This'll be a two parter.

*Pt 5 of the One-shot series: That universe where Karma and Asano are brothers and everyone else suffers because of it.*


Back when he was ten years old, their parents' divorce had been messy, but the worst part of it had to be when it all came down to a single choice.

"Boys!" Their mom called them downstairs one Saturday afternoon. "Please come to the living room. Now!"

Karma looked up from his comic book that his dad had torn up and he'd pieced back together with sticky tape.

Gakushuu sighed, putting away his textbook. "Come on."

Karma grimaced and quickly hid the comic book underneath his mattress before he followed his brother downstairs.

When they arrived downstairs their parents were waiting in the living room, looking uncomfortable like they usually did after they'd argued.

Their mom looked tired, and she kept fiddling with her long red hair. "Boys, we called you down because we need you to make a very important decision."

Karma frowned, standing alongside his brother and avoiding the disapproving look their dad was shooting him because he'd chosen to wear his favourite old faded superhero t-shirt today and not the matching blue polo shirt their dad had picked out for him and his brother.

"As you know, your mother is finalising things for the divorce," their dad said curtly. "But one of the most important decisions is regarding custody—"

"We want you to choose," their mom interrupted, forcing a smile. "And we want you to be honest."

"...So, we get to choose?" Karma shared an unsure look with Gakushuu.

"Yes, of course," their dad replied lightly, using the smile he normally had for his important rich friends. "We'll respect whatever choice you make."

Karma swallowed, looking at both his parents warily considering being around them was like stepping on eggshells. "Um...well, I just wanna stay with Shuu."

Gakushuu nodded, holding Karma's hand tight. "Yes. We want to stay together."

Both their parents were quiet for a moment, until their mom took a deep breath. "Yes, I understand, sweetie." She was looking at Gakushuu worriedly. "I want you two to stay together as well."

Gakushuu's brow furrowed slightly. "Then why do you want a divorce?"

"Yeah, why can't we just stay together like a real family?" Karma grimaced, remembering what their dad had told them about their mom wanting a divorce, that she was the one splitting up their family because she was selfish.

Their mom's eyes widened a fraction before she suddenly shot the most venomous glare at their father who stared back passively. "Gakuhou—"

"You know my feelings on the matter, Kairi," their dad replied coldly, standing by him and Gakushuu, placing a hand on both their shoulders. "I care about our sons' futures."

"So do I!" Mom started to lose her temper, making Karma shifted uncomfortably.

"...Then why don't you come to our competitions?" Gakushuu replied quietly.

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