After The Battle

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After the entire mission

Wildcard: I can't believe Ojo is still behind all of this!

Missy: Well I guess that was another practice

Fast Forward: Missy, someone by the name of Karl left you something

Wildcard: What did he leave

Rewind: We have no idea

Missy unwrapped the package and opens it

Missy: It is a painting of my mom

Wildcard: And there is a note

Note: Dear Missy, my dad left something for your dad. Also, congrats for you and Wildcard

Missy: How does he know that you are Wildcard?

Wildcard: Must have researched. Anyway, he isn't so bad after all

Missy: What do you mean?

Wildcard: Nothing

Hello! I will have one last chapter after this. Also, Karl's dad did the painting

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