We Reached 10k :0 (A/N)

2.7K 3 4

2021-03-12 Edit: This is a bit of an old screenshot that I took last night since I was initially planning on releasing this chapter yesterday but I got busy with other chapters and books, the current number is actually 10.2k but that doesn't make my words any less meaningful 💕💕💕

I never really saw myself reaching a number such as this, I really want to just you know that I am thankful, I really am. I just want to give one huge thank you to all of you lovely readers out there for everything you've done. Without you this book wouldn't have been possible, and I don't even know where this book would be without the amazing support from all of you! Every comment, every vote, every read, absolutely everything!! I can't stress how grateful I am to have amazing people like you here with me, it doesn't matter if you've been reading this book from the very beginning, started reading somewhere in-between, or if you just found out about this book's exitance. There isn't any words to express how thankful I truly am.

I have my times where I want to give up on what I love doing, recently I've been lacking a lot of motivation to write my books and do just about anything. And I've just sometimes felt like giving up on everything, but if it wasn't for all you readers I probably wouldn't be here. I'm not trying to sound like a sap or anything but that's really how I feel, you readers have done a lot for me and I honestly wish there were things I can do to return the favour

Really all I can say at this point is thank you, thank you so much for everything you have done. I hope you're safe and well, please take care of yourself, you are truly loved and valid 💞

Lots of love, Author Cherri 🍒💕

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