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~ Prometheus is quite possibly the strongest entity to ever exist in the history of the Omniverse. He was created by the Beyonders(a council of omnipresent entities that rule over and control everything) as the first prototype for the Nykartheps(gods and goddesses). He was going to be the god of all gods, but obviously, their blueprint changed, so he and the rest of his creations were tossed aside. Prometheus decided on the name "Engineers" for his powerful children because they were the ones who essentially engineered the entire Omniverse to be what it is today.
~ Prometheus has a very strange power where he can perform complex visual scans on his environment or creatures around him and determine their intimate properties or detect their presence. They can also diagnose the condition of what they observe and find inconsistencies or errors. These scans will give him every speck of knowledge on what he is looking at and that is why he is known as Omnipresent.
~ Prometheus's blood and saliva, when ingested or injected, has the capacity to fix quite literally everything wrong with any sort of organism/entity. It repairs souls, spirits, and bodies, can make a totally insane person sane, and can even mentally put someone back together.
~ Prometheus and the Engineers have the power to travel anywhere in the Omniverse and then beyond. No realm can really faze them or trap them, or at least, not yet. They can even go to the most forbidden of realms, places in the afterlife, etc. and be perfectly fine.
~ Prometheus has the power to control all aspects of the elements. This means Solid Manipulation, Liquid Manipulation, Gas Manipulation, Plasma Manipulation, and then some miscellaneous aspects.
~ Despite his appearance, Prometheus is not a violent or evil entity. In fact, he won't fight or kill unless there is literally no other choice. However, if you do get him into a violent mood... do not expect much mercy.
~ Prometheus is completely Omniscient, which means his mind is unblocked to the entirety of totality, there is absolutely nothing which he does not know and understand, therefore he knows every answer to every question, past, present, and future.
~ The reality warping powers of Prometheus and the Engineers is so powerful that it rivals that of the eldritch, beings who are known mostly for their powers of reality warping.
~ Prometheus can manipulate, modify and control the thoughts, mindsets, and upper brain functions, allowing for the ability to render others unconscious, suppress their memories, and negate the use of abilities, increase/decrease mental capacity, modify minds to be agreeable, control minds, sway sensations to induce altered perception, bestow/heal mental disorders, create/penetrate mental barriers, etc.
~ Prometheus can create, shape and manipulate auras, the invisible etheric phenomenon/emanation produced by and surrounding a person or object.
~ Prometheus and some select few Engineers can manipulate all/every universe that has, never and will be with infinite/unlimited scale, manipulate everything in every parallel reality or timeline, break any boundaries, etc. in every universe in the Omniverse. Doesn't matter how large or powerful the place might be.
~ Prometheus and all other Engineers usually exist in a multiverse outside of this one, but as of recently, they have come to our multiverse to keep everything in balance. They could sense things were going wrong and decided to come help out.
~ Prometheus can create, shape and manipulate the lives of any/all things, including mortals, amortals, undetermined beings, eldritch horrors, inanimate objects, concepts/conceptual beings, the dead, phenomena, transcendent beings, formless/omnipresent entities, and/or even Supreme Beings. He can bestow/grant/induce life or end, resurrect, change it, etc. Anything/Anyone that can even remotely or loosely be defined as being alive/living can be manipulated and shaped by this power.