Chapter 1

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I'd been living out on the streets for a while now. My landlord kicked me out of my apartment since I hadn't paid rent in about a month. Huh, good riddance anyhow. That place was a complete shithole anyways. Either way, I couldn't care less. It's not like anyone even wants someone like me. People fear me for what I am. Not like it matters anymore. It was raining pretty badly by this point, so I slipped my hood over my head so at least my head would stay dry.

Me: 'Good thing I wore my hoodie today.'

I trudged through the rain, hoping to find somewhere to at least stay dry. I saw a seat underneath a bus stop that looked good enough. It wouldn't help with the wind or the cold, but given my limited options at the time, it was lookin' pretty nice right about now. I walked over and took a seat.

Me: "Ugh, this damn rain suuuuucks."

I took out a cigarette from my pocket and lit it with my lighter I had on me. Popping one end of the cigarette into my mouth, and breathed in deeply, coughing as I exhaled.

Me: "Not the best way to pass the time, but it'll do."

I said, slouching over slightly. There were hardly any other people out here because of the weather, but even if there were, I wouldn't give much of a shit about what other people think of me anymore. Just then, I heard someone behind me, and the sound of a gun loading.

Mugger: "Alright assclown, everything you got!"

The guy was practically yelling in my damn ears.

Ne: "You really don't wanna do that pal."

I warned him, smirking at the thought of beating the living shit outta this guy for even thinking of putting a gun to my head. I felt a barel of a gun on resting on the back of my skull.

Mugger: "Shut the fuck up! Hand over everything you got, or I'll blow your brains all over the sidewalk!"

He was now literally yelling at this point. This guy clearly had no experience with this type of thing, and I could tell he was trying to act all big and tough to scare me. Needless to say, he wasn't doing a good job, at all. I said nothing as my smile widened at the very notion of teaching this asshole a lesson. I heard his finger slowly start to push harder on the trigger. I grabbed the knife I had on me, that was hidden in the left pocket of my leather jacket.

Without warning, I wheeled around and plunged it into the mugger's chest, as the gun went off

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Without warning, I wheeled around and plunged it into the mugger's chest, as the gun went off. The guy stood still for a moment before putting his hand where I'd stabbed him. He dropped his gun, as he fell onto the pavement. He tried to reach for his gun that'd fallen out of his reach, as I walked over and picked it up.

Me: "Huh, nice gun ya got here. Snub-nosed revolver, nice silver, and chrome color. Nice engraving on it too. You got good taste in guns, I'll give ya that."

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