Who's The Hero?

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Your long elf like ears flickered downwards in annoyance. Your bow stayed in your tight grip, and you feet stay glued to the green grass below your determined form. E/C eyes locked on your small target a couple of feet before you. Three arrows stuck into the wood, but not in the small red dot in the middle. Your bow wouldn't work out right, 'Stupid shopkeeper, he most likely rigged something in my bow while he "fixed" it up for me' you were brought out of your thoughts when a butterfly flew in your face. It's many colors blinded your vision from everything around you. As you swatted the insects away, it flew high up into the blue skies then back down onto a small daisy near by. Determination soon crawled back onto your features. "I can do this," you whispered to yourself. Your eyes locked back onto the target, your feet still glued to the ground, bow raised, and......Swoosh! The arrow flew through the wind, missing the target once more. Groaning in frustration, you threw down the wooden bow and arrows. 'Maybe a break would help' you thought while taking a seat on the plush grass. Birds chirps echoed throughout the empty forest, filling your ears with their singing. You heard the quite melody going farther and farther into the woods, each bird singing the short song over and over. It didn't really bother you, but with the constant chirping going on, it really pushed your buttons, especially since your anger was still present. Sighing, you replaced your weapons spot to be placed on your back. "Lets go," you spoke to yourself once more. You walked through the woods, the song had left a while ago, much to your liking. It did sound really familiar, too familiar. You let the small problem slide once you entered Hyrule. The little town had small shops all around, from food stores to weapons accessories. You knew exactly where you were going, but the towns people seemed to have grown in size. Usually only a couple people roam the streets to use their rupees, but now everyone must've came outside for once, but why? Your eyes trailed over the the small couple near the back. They looked harmaless. A tall man, most likely the woman's husband, stood tall and proud. His dark brown hair fitted his firm face perfectly, but his green eyes seemed off. The woman was very pretty. Her long golden locks fell over her plump cheeks and shoulders, like they were made to fit in the puzzle. Her own hazel orbs shined in the sun's harsh ray. She was beautiful. Smiling, you walked towards the woman and man. They didn't seem to notice your presence until your small hands tapped on the woman's shoulder. Her and her husbands attention were both on you. Your cheeks dusted a pink in color before you started to talk. "Um, hello miss, sir," you nodded towards the man. "I'm Y/N by the way-" The woman smiled and interrupted your introduction. "Hello Ms.Y/N. How may we help you?" She asked. You were guessing she owned one of the shops around Hyrule because of her polite hello. "Oh, well, I just wanted to know what all of...This...is about." Your slim finger pointed towards the crowds of people 'Oohing' and 'Awwwing' at the unknown to you. Her smile grew bigger and her hands trembled in exitement. "You haven't heard?!?!" She asked excitedly. Your head shook left and right viciously, but your eyes begged for an answer. "The hero is here!" The male yelled, catching some people's attention. You frowned and looked forwards, trying to see through the flesh and bones of human beings, but it was impossible. You thanked the male and woman quickly, then you started to sqeeze in and out of the towns people. Some people glared at your passing form, but some just stared at the so called 'hero'. You didn't really know who the 'Hero' was because of your absence in everything. You live in the woods, like you really live in the woods. Your mom and dad are gone, they left you once you turned the age of eight. You were on your own since then, but you soon found this small ranch named 'Lon Lon Ranch'. The place held all of the milk and many other groceries people bought. You got a job there. The girl Malon, gave you the job. She was a very sweet girl, but she could be mean when she wanted too. You were thankful that the red head let you have the job. You still remember that day.

~Flash back~

You were walking through the same woods as bride when you noticed the big ranch. Cows ate the grass inside of the small pasture out front and a big barn was located near by. You were really hungry and thirsty. Once you were pushed away from your parents, you lived off of the lake water and many things you could possibly steal in Hyrule. It sounds wrong, but you HAD to survive, like something further in the future would need you to be there. Smiling, you ran towards the ranch's gate. Night fall was coming and you could see someone closing up the gates. Your pace quickened once the gates almost fully shut. "Wait! Wait! Please!" You yelled. The gate suddenly stopped moving and a female's head popped into your view. She smiled and walked out if the small space open from the gate. "Hello, what may you need?" She asked. Her blue eyes glaced around you, finally landing on your weapon. She took a step back and you hurriedly stopped her from leaving. "No! I won't hurt you! I promise! I just wanted to get a job here. I'm kinda poor and need some rupees to buy some food and milk." Her eyes softened as she studied your small form. Concern then flashed in her orbs. "You look like you haven't eaten in decades!" She yelled, her blue eyes widening at you. You sen her a small grin and chuckled. "Yeah, I haven't" She quickly grabbed your wrists and pulled you inside if the gates. "Here, you can stay with me and eat dinner with my family. Would that sound ok to you?" She asked. You knew she wouldn't take no as an answer, so you agreed. "And I'll get you a job here too! You can milk the cows with me if you'd like!" She smiled, showing her pearly whites. You giggled and smiled back. "I'd love that," And that's how your job at the Lon Lon Ranch came to be.

~Flashback Over~

You smiled at the memory. Malon. She was acourageous girl who loved to do many things at once. She may be lazy most if the time, but she loves to learn new things. She's a weird girl, yet you learned to love her, just like your own sister. Only if you had a family to go back too....Never mind that! You've got food, water, a job, shelter, and many more things to keep you healthy and alive! And that's all that matters. Your eyes flickered around once you made it towards the front if the crowd. A pair of hooves came into view, the horse legs, the horse, and human legs came next. Your eyes trailed up the brown boots and onto the white pants, then finally to the green tunic. It was a males outfit for sure, so this hero was male, not a female. You wished you were a hero. Someone who was noticed and remembered everyday by everyone. Even the royal family would know your name! 'Y/N! The hero of time!' You smiled at the thought. The words echoed throughout your head until a horse's body was in front of your face. You suddenly snapped out of your trance. Your eyes traveled around at everything except the mammal in front of you. Everyone's eyes were on you, burning into your very soul. A red candy apple blush covered your cheeks, and you finally looked forwards, to the thing that made everyone go silent. A big horse, brown coated and a long white splotch over it's face, it's clean feet had white hairs covering the polished hooves perfectly, and it's long white mane trailed down to it's broad body. Your eyes stared into the horse's own calm blue orbs. The horse moved uncomfortably under it's master's weight. Your eyes widened and you looked up. A faint blush started to paint your cheeks because of your staring and interest in the horse. A male seated himself on the beautiful mare. The male had the look of confusion in his own ocean blue eyes. What's up with all the blue eyes?!?! His blonde hair fitted his perfect face and body, his eyes soon caught your own E/C ones in a confused gaze. You blushed and glanced down, but the male smiled and studied your face once more before leading his horse away without a word. You watched as the male waved to everyone and smiled. Every girl made lovey dovey faces and the males smiled back confidently. Once the hero was out if sight the girls turned to you. You remembered some of them, from a small school session you went to when you were a kid. You learned new things in a small school session, but it's only a couple lessons, so after learning how to talk and write you kinda left the learning groups with everyone else. The girls now had a look of disgust on their plump faces. You frowned and waited for their words to spill out of their pink lips. One girl spoke up first, her name was......Hamada. She was very known for her skills with a knife, but no one knew your skills with a knife. No one really knew you. Hamada growled and glared daggers at you. Your confused face made her growl deeper. She pushed her long dark dark brown locks behind her shoulder before speaking. "Do you even know who that boy was on the horse?" She asked as if she didn't care. You shook your head and fastened your bow tighter on your shoulder straps. Hamada smirked and flashed her hazel eyes in the direction that the hero went. "Well, he's link, the hero, and I don't know why he looked at you, but just make sure you keep your distance girlie" she scoffed and walked away with a trail of girls behind her. You drowned and shrugged. Link. The hero'd name was Link. At least you knew now who he was. Smiling, you turned away from the broken up crowd, but you were only stopped by another girl. 'Please don't be like Hamada' you thought to yourself. The girl smiled and rested a hand on your shoulder. "You know the hero has taken a liking into you" she said softly. You blushed and looked into her green eyes. She grinned and pushed some of her blonde hair behind her pointy ears. She was a Korkiri child, just like you. Her height said it all. "Oh! My name is Omonie just so you know!" (You pronounce her name like this: O-Mon-eee) You smiled and twisted a small steam if hair between your fingers. "It's nice to meet you Omonie. I'm Y/N!" She giggled and patted your head. "It's nice meeting you too Y/N! Hey, wanna hang out tomorrow?" Your E/C orbs lot up with exitement. 'Someone wants me to hang out with them?!?!' You screamed in your mind. You quick led nodded your head. "I would love to Omonie!" She smiled brighter and hugged you. You stood frozen for a second until hugging the blonde girl back. "I'll meet you at the chocolate shop, lets say.....When the sun has risin to it's highest point." You agreed happily and said your goodbyes to your new friend. You know your both are gonna get along just fine. You and Malon already did, so wouldn't this new and opened up to the world girl be your new friend too? Smiling, you started to walk 'home' to the woods. That's where your horse will be awaiting, Astelle was her name. She was a pinto horse, (spotted) her coat was a pure white with tan and brown spots everywhere, but one spot covered over one if her crystal blue eyes, and it kinda looked like a heart. Giggling of the memory of Astelle, you walked deeper into the woods, unaware of the pair of eyes watching you.....

We're All Different. (BEN Drowned x Dark Link x Link x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now