Emma That Is Dead | Fan Art

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in case you don't know about this book , you're living under a hole . or in one .

anywillow , if you haven't , go right now and read Emma That Is Dead by Monrosey  cause I SAY SO .

I had make some fanart months ago and it was so bad I almost puked .

I felt bad , so I made new covers for the book ~

I felt bad , so I made new covers for the book ~

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it's a YA mystery thriller and it's literally so amazing if you haven't read it you're seriously missing out

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it's a YA mystery thriller and it's literally so amazing if you haven't read it you're seriously missing out . and while you're at it , go check out The Good, The Bad, And The Gwen . I promise you won't be disappointed .

Darly , you must be tired of me lmao

but I can't help it yk , it's too much a good book to just let pass .

kudos ! xx

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