CHAPTER II - "Friends?"

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Today was wild. I was just supposed to buy something from the department store but instead, I got myself tailed by some sasaengs. I meet different kinds of fans on a daily basis yet I can never get used to encountering the weird ones. They followed me all the way to the comfort room, they kept on taking pictures even though I already asked them not to and they just tailed be the whole day! I was already terrified. Good thing there was someone who helped me. I would have ran right away if no one did. The thing was, I didn't run for the very reason that I did not want to look horrified by them. I did not want to give them that satisfaction if that's what they wanted. I tried casually contacting Mark to pick me up with his car but unfortunately there was an accident. A crazy day indeed.

I just finished showering and brushing my teeth. I jump on my bed while fishing for my phone on the headboard where I charged it before going to the bathroom a while ago. Because my hand cannot find it, I look up to grab it but the cap that I wore earlier catches my attention. "I didn't even get to ask her name, she seemed really nice." I mutter to myself. I hear a knock on my door so I open it. "Hyung, do you wanna come with us? We're going to play bowling at Hongdae." Haechan asks. "Who's going?" "Mark hyung, Johnny hyung, Yuta hyung and Taeil hyung." "Game. Let me change first."

There's never a dull moment in Hongdae. It's so fun here. Visiting this district now makes me reminisce my trainee days. I used to stay here a lot together with my friends and co-trainees too. Tonight, my members and I decide to have an amazing time. We gotta enjoy our work-free days while they last because we're about to start preparing for a new album and comeback seasons are always... always so tiring. Nonetheless, I can never complain because the exhaustion still feels rewarding. For the rest of the night, we play bowling as planned, eat street food and visit a Norebang. Finally, the stress I felt earlier today is relieved because of the company of my members.


"Jeffrey!" I look up from my phone to see Johnny coming my way to sit beside me on the couch. "Wassup." "You're going tonight right? " He asks. We're currently in the company building because we just finished our meeting for the upcoming comeback. The other members have left while Johnny and I seem to be the only ones staying. "Tonight? Is there any occasion?" I furrow my brows, looking at him with confusion plastered on my face. He gives me the omg-did-you-forget-? look and I try my ultimate best to recall any plans that I have written in my mind's calendar. "Shit. Goodness, is it tonight?" "Yep. And you did forget." He shakes his head at me while getting up. "Let's meet at the basement of our dorm later at 8." "Okay. See you." Good thing I bought my gift beforehand. I swear, the birthday party that Johnny and I promised to attend slipped off my mind. Ugh, am I getting older or did I just have a lot to think about lately?

Banging music and muffled chatters welcome us as soon as we open the door to the pub. Our friend is throwing himself a birthday party in his newly opened pub. He's like Johnny and I's big bro who shares a low maintenance friendship with us. He's one of the kindest and pure-hearted souls out there. "Jae! Johnny!" He gives us a warm hug as we greet him a happy birthday and hand him our gifts. "Hyung! This place is so nice! You decorated it astoundingly. I'm impressed." Johnny says as he looks around the interior design. "My girlfriend's the one who did all of this. She has been very hands on when it came to the design of the pub. I feel so blessed." "As you should!" We hear a voice behind us and we all chuckle at her remark. "Noona!" His girlfriend is as genuine as he is. She's nice and super outgoing. "Hi guys. It's been a while. How have you been?" She asks as she gives us a hug. "Wonderful, noona. We're currently not that busy yet but we're about to be." Johnny responds. "I think we gotta catch up in a more quiet place. We can barely hear one another here." "I'll follow in a few." Noona tells us and hyung then leads us to his office where we sit on the couch. He calls for the menu and tells us to order whatever we'd like to have. I choose to have some Margarita tonight and Johnny chooses Martini. While waiting for our cocktails to be ready, we talk about how we have been the past few months we haven't kept in touch. He was occupied with all the preparations for this pub so we couldn't really ask him to hang out with us. Our drinks come in faster than we expected it to be. Seems like the bartender has fast hands. "Hyung, you're treating us like VIPs here." "Coz you guys are. You definitely should come here often. I can give you VIP cards!" We shyly laugh at his comment. "Actually, we're planning to expand. We're in talks of buying the whole building because we're considering to have VIP rooms coz you know... there are people who value privacy like you guys because you're celebrities and you can't just stay in crowded places." I take a sip on the drink before answering him. "That's a pretty good idea. I guess your business has been doing extremely well, hyung.. congratulations." "Yes. Its only been about a month since we opened but we're so close to paying all our loans. I guess I'm lucky because my business is progressive." I gasp at his words. That is indeed impressive. Not all people know how to handle businesses well because just like life in general, businesses have their own ups and downs. "Hey guys, want some Blueberry Crostini?" Noona joins us in the room while bringing some paper bags which Johnny, who's nearest to the door, quickly gets up and gives her a hand. "My cousin made these. Help yourselves." She opens the containers and someone else enters the room. To my extreme surprise, I gasp and widen my eyes while pointing the woman who stands in front of us with shock on her face too. "You? You're that girl from before... miss yankees." I've come to name her that as the owner of the cap that is from New York Yankees since I never got to know her name. "You know each other?" Joo Ho hyung asks us, also looking taken aback. "Yeah, we met once... when he was being chased by some sasaengs." She responds. "She helped me." "Oh, that girl you spoke to us about?" Johnny questions me and I hum. "What a small world then! Y/N, sit here." Joo Ho hyun gestures, referring to the vacant seat beside me while noona fills up the seat beside him. "How do you guys know each other?" "Johnny and hyung were neighbours back in Chicago. They met again here and got the closest they have ever been." I answer her. "Yes and since these two have always loved being together, I got to know Jaehyun and eventually became close with him too. They're like my younger brothers." Hyung adds and ends his sentence with a chuckle. "I feel like we need a little bit of introduction. Hi, Y/N. Did I say that right?" Johnny offers his hand to shake Y/N's with a little bow to show respect. "I'm Johnny." "Yes you said that right. It's nice to meet you, Johnny." She smiles at him and gives him a slight bow too. Now that I've got to see her up close, smiling, her attractiveness is elucidated. "My pleasure meeting you too." He winks at her and she shyly shakes their hands. "Nice to see you again, Jaehyun." She offers her hand to shake mine as she flashes me one of those heart-fluttering smiles too. My heart begins to beat faster. "Same here."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 ⏰

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