Chapter 4

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All the men stood up as I made my way to my seat. I saw Kai and Jonathon sitting next to each other at the seats closest to me. My fake smile turned into a real one.

"Thank you, but please sit down. Enjoy your lunch and enjoy your first day in the castle. Unfortunately the young men that I had asked to stay behind have been sent home. I didn't feel like they were a right fit. I hope you all understand. Now eat!" They laughed at the last part and I couldn't help but notice some of the guys beaming at the thought that they are still here.

I sat down in my seat next to Ahren at the royal table. He nodded a greeting to me as he munched away on his chicken and rice. The food smelled amazing as usual. 

"Soooo, how's it going? Isn't it fun?" My mother said dropping her royal "queenness". My mother has never thought that having this job should change how you act and treat other people. So she may not be the most elegant queen but she's definitely the most real. 

"Yeah, it's uh... interesting." My family gave me a strange look so I corrected myself, "You know, with all the guys fighting over me. I've barely talked to one guy, let alone thirty-six."

My father laughed. "Believe me, it gets easier. It's all worth it when you find the right one." He smiled and dreamily gazed at my mother.

Ahren looked over and gave me the gross face but then remembered it wasn't just us and he has to act proper. He straightened his back and smoothed out his perfectly pressed suit. I stole a glance at the twenty-five guys and thought about how incredibly awesome this was going to be. I mean, this is going to be a great life lesson and will really help me grow as a princess. Who am I kidding, this is going to be great, forget about the princess answer. 


I stood on my balcony looking over the garden. My parents have told me so many stories about that garden; it was like their special place. The smell of roses lingered in the cool night air. The sky was clear, showing the stars in the universe above this kingdom. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, listening to the chirping crickets. 

I noticed some movement over by the bushes and stared in that direction. There was an outline of a guy in the dark motioning to me. He stepped into the light and I saw that it was Wyatt, one of the selected. He was holding a rose in his hand and was yelling something. I couldn't make out what he was saying because of the wind and well; he was kind of far down. He ended up just waving at me to join him.

I walked into the garden just as a breeze hit me. 

"The stars are so beautiful tonight." I exclaimed.

"Not as beautiful as you." He complimented me, making me blush. "Here, this is for you." He said handing me the rose.

"Why thank you. It's lovely." I smiled at him. "Was this the only reason why you called me down?"

"No, I wanted to talk to you some more. I felt like we didn't get much time earlier."

"That's kind of you. What did you want to talk about?" 

"So you know those cheesy questions people ask each other when they first meet? Well, I thought we would give that a go. I want to know more about you. " I smiled as he continued. "First question, what is your favorite color?"

"I don't really have one, I think that all colors deserve to be someone's favorite, except brown... brown is just not my style." We laughed.

"My favorite color is yellow. It's such a happy color."

"And you're definitely a happy person. Next question, what is your favorite book?"

"I have so many favorite books but if I have to choose one it has to be The Tale of a Lost Boy. You know that old movie Peter Pan? This book is based off of that but in the perspective of one of the lost boys. It's so deeply profound and very well written."

"Yes! That's my favorite too! The lost boy's journey is so amazing! I just have to think about what I would do if I were put in that position. That is so awesome that we have the same favorite book!" His smile widened.

"Do you want me to ask a question now?"

"Go right ahead your majesty."

"First, call me Eadlyn and... what is your favorite animal? Mine has to be a White Bengal Tiger."

"Really? I mean those tigers are cool but Lions beat them any day. You have to say that Lions have the best hair in the entire animal kingdom. Those male lions with their huge manes! I really want to see one in person."

"Lions are cool, but White Bengal Tigers are so much prettier! They're extinct now, but I really wanted to see one as well."

I looked up at the sky and tried to find a constellation as Wyatt continued to talk about Lions. I saw Wyatt look up as well in my peripheral vision. The guard by the door started to walk towards us.

"I'm sorry your majesty but your parents would like to see you right away." He tried to sound a lot tougher than he actually looked which made me giggle.

"Please notify them that I will be right there." I addressed the guard and then turned to Wyatt. "Maybe we can continue this conversation another time. But just so you know, White Bengal Tigers are so much better! See you tomorrow morning." I beamed at him.

I started making my way towards my Father's office. The corridors were empty, too empty. I was worried that something was wrong so I quickened my pace and thought of all of the things that could've happened. Did someone die? Is there something wrong with the selection? I opened the large mahogany doors to the office and saw all of my family there as well as Louis. I thought I sent him home?

"Eadlyn, there's something we need to tell you. Please, sit down."

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