Chapter 1: Back to School

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(Lotus's POV)

I'm looking at the brick between platforms 9 and 10 ready for the freedom of being back in the wizarding world. Hogwarts has always felt like an escape to me, a place I can run away and do things on my own. Running through that wall is my gateway to my friends and my school and all my favorite places. So, of course, I love this moment.

A wide smile is plastered on my face as I back up a few feet with my cart. When my back hits the other brick pillar I take a deep breath and then sprint as fast as I can towards the portal. I get a small rush of joy and energy and quickly before I pass through I put my feet up on the cart. I speedily roll through fast enough to feel a breeze on my face. Then, I'm on platform 9 3/4 again.

My owl hoots at me disapprovingly.

"I know you don't like when I run through but it's fun, Warble, and you can't stop me"

He shakes his head at me very slightly and I turn away. I walk to the train and put away my things, including Warble who doesn't seem very happy about it- as per usual. I walk towards the entrance to the seating area of the train and hear a soft voice call my name.

"Lo! Lotus, over here!"

"Luna!" I ran towards her and we both envelop each other in a hug.

"It's been so long since I've seen you, have you been using the spectrespecs I sent you? You don't want to get a wrackspurt infection."

"I have, Luna, I have. I'm so glad I got Warble so we could send letters to each other. Well, not only letters..." I say as I pull the handmade crystal necklace out from under my shirt. She does the same and we giggle. Someone yells that the train is leaving soon so we lock arms and skip onto the train.

On the train we spend the whole way showing each other scrapbook updates on our mushroom collections. She had found a kirinomitake- the rarest fungi in the world. I have no idea how she found it, she always has incredible luck. It only lives in Japan and Texas?! Im certain she was in neither of those places. It's completely unfair...

When we get close we change into our robes and a group of boys open the door to our compartment. Malfoy and his goons, of course, here to make fun of us.

"Well look what we have here, boys. The goblins are playing show and tell. Honestly, if brains were made of gold you two combined would still be poorer than Weasley. I just came to tell you that it would be smart of you both to look into buying some extra pairs of shoes because I think there might be a swarm of NArgLes running around the school." His little group of fanboys all laugh and he smirks at us. "Anyway, I don't want anyone thinking I'd spend any energy talking with you so I'll be taking my leave." The way he conducts himself is so strikingly embarrassing I sit in silence out of shock. He smirks at me as he backs out and slams the door. What an asshat, he really thought he owned me so hard i couldn't speak.

"I don't very well like Draco Malfoy."

"That's one way of saying it, Luna..."

---Funky Time Skip---

I stroll slowly through the library, not looking for anything in particular, just pulling pretty looking books off the shelves, skimming them, and then deciding if I like them. As I was looking, I saw a book that looked specifically interesting, a book about bowtruckles, adorable little creatures, but the book was far from my reach. I look to my left and right, make sure no one is around and roll up my sleeves. I hoist myself up onto the shelf and wrestle myself up with my elbows. I put my knee up on the next level and stretch up and manage to reach and grab the book. YES! I am so so excited to read this, I need to fetch Luna, we could have a picnic and read it together, that would be so fun, maybe we-

"Ehem." I hear a man with a deep voice clear his throat. I glance down and it's just who I thought it would be, professor Snape. I hop down from the bookshelf.

"Oh! Sorry, professor, was I in your way? I just really really wanted to grab this book and-"

"Not another word, Greene. Ten points from Hufflepuff for that hideous display."

"Wait! No I-"

"Ten more points, I would recommend you stop talking."

I let out a quiet "hmph" as he's walking away and, of course, he heard me. Damn you, Snape, and your unnatural hearing of things you can use against your students. He whips around dramatically and storms back up to me. He towers over me with an intense look on his face.

"I think that's quite enough out of you, you will be seeing me for detention this evening. No. Questions. Asked." He flips his cloak behind him as he sharply turns back around and struts out of the library. UGHHHHH. I look down, my face flushed from embarrassment, and realize the book wasn't in my hand. I look up and it's haphazardly sitting on the shelf where I found it. Must've set it down when Snape showed up. Damn it.

Professor, I'm In Love (Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now