Someone's Love-43

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Rits- I....I am sorry Vhai! Please forgive me! 🥺 Please..... Yes i did...those all but From now i won't do it! Please Vhai forgive me🥺

Sid goes to his room.

Rits- Vhai....🥺

In sid's Room.

Sid- (thinking) How can you so this sid! Why didn't I trust Avu. I trusted Aris more than Avu!🥺 I spoiled eveything! If I had trusted Avu then....This would never happen😥 Avu.... Avu said she will go back home and never meet us again. No! Avu can't leave me! I have to stop her.

Sid goes down.

Vibha- Where are you going sid??

Sid- To stop Avu from going anywhere.

Vibha- I am also coming.

Vaish- Me too

Abhi- Ok I will also.

They four sit in the car and go to Avu's home. They went inside.

Sonia- Sid? What happen to Avu? Why did she come here? She said she is going somewhere and never cone back!

Sid- I....I am sorry! All this has happened because of me. Where is Avu?

Sonia- She is in her room. I tried to stop her but i could not.

Jai- Please Jiju stop her. She is not listening to anyone of us.

Sid- I will try to stop her.

Sid, Vaish, Abhi and Vibha goes to Avu's room. Avu was packing her bag.

Sid- Avu! Avu please! I....I am sorry! Please forgive me Pleaseee!🥺

Avu doesnot listen him and continues packing.

Vaish- Avu! I am like your sister. Please listen to me! Please Avu!

Avu- I am sorry D i have to go and please don't stop me. No one wants me here.

Vibha- No Avu! We want you here. Please beta please stop.

Avu- Please Don't stop me. I cant stay here anymore.

Sid kneels down and catches his ears.

Sid- I am sorry Avu! Please forgive me please! Pleaseeee!🥺

Avu takes her bag and goes out.

Vibha- Avu!! Avu!!

Avu- Bye Mom!

Sonia- Avu please!! Tell me what happen! Why are you going away like this! Don't you love us? Don't you want to stay with us?🥺

Avu- Mom........ I love you all! But i can't stay here.

Jai- If you love your brother You have to stay here.

Avu- I can't stay why don't you all understand!

Sid- And why don't you understand Avu! We can't live without you!!

Avu- O really? You can't live with me? You love me na? Then why didn't you trust me? Why you hated me?? 🥺 It was my dream to be with you Together forever but unfortunately this dream cannot be true. Thankyou Whoever loved me, trusted me and cared me.

Avu was going to go, Sid catches her hand. He pulls her and hugs her.

Sid- Please Avu! I have done a very big mistake. Whatever punishment you want to give, You can but please don't leave us. Pleaseee🥺

Avu pushes him.

Avu- I am going away from you. This is your punishment!

Sonia- Avu! For you My promise! You can't go anywhere! You have to stay here with us!

Avu- Why are you all trying to stop me! Let me go! Let me live my life. Let me do whatever i want! I want to go form here and thats it! I WILL GO FROM HERE AND NEVER COME BACK! 🥺😠💔

Avu goes.

Sid- If you go then i will give my life. (Avu stops)

Sid goes and takes a knife.

Sid- If you go then i will give my life from this knife.

Avu- .............

Avu falls down.

Sonia- Avu!!😨

Vaish catches her.

Vaish- Sid call ambulance!!

After sometime.... They reach hospital.

To be continued....
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