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Jungkook was having a couple dance with Jiwoo, a good two feet distance between them.

Jiwoo frowned because of that and moved a little forward. She held Jungkook's shoulders and smiled 'lovingly' at him.

"I loved meeting your parents!"

"Yeah...... They did too.."

"Maybe I could actually be your wife in future! Our relationship is already so strong. We'll buy a mansion together and-"

And she went on and on. Jungkook just stared at nothing being completely done with her.

"But we can't have kids.....Since you haven't even kissed me till now"

She said with a pout trying to act pitiful.



He turned around and saw his dad calling out for him. He left the loose grip he had on Jiwoo's hand who held his sleeves, indicating him not to go but he ignored her.

"Yes dad"

"I have some work at the office. Namjoon and your mother will handle it from here. We'll have to go"

Jungkook nodded, thanking heaven for this freedom as he exited the place with his father. He took a last glance at Namjoon who was giving a speech right now.

 He took a last glance at Namjoon who was giving a speech right now

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He really looks up to him. The driver finally dropped his father at the office building before taking Jungkook back at the mansion.

Jungkook sighed in complete exhaustion as he plopped on the big couch in the lobby. It was much better being there rather than being in that party.

But he was bored. He couldn't go to his friends' place since they all them are mostly the sons of ceos present in the party.

Then HE came into his mind. Since everyone is busy and he has nothing to do at the moment, why not trouble him?

Send me you address

Uh why?

Just send it

x xxxx xx


Jungkook sighed before standing. Not bothering to change his outfit, he just sneaked into their private parking lot and got in his car.

He entered the address in the gps system and followed the route displayed. And not long after he reached the place.

It was a medium house. A family of four could easily live there. Just the perfect size for Jungkook's liking.

He rung the bell after taking the details of the house's appearance and not long after Taehyung opened the door.

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