His smile

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Days and nights are the same. Nothing feels real anymore.

I haven't eaten.

I haven't showered.

I haven't gone outside in months.

I haven't gotten out of bed in days.

I keep hearing my discord go off on my computer but I can't bring myself to get up. My phone has been going off too. I know it's Thomas, he was so scared last time my depression took over and I didn't talk with anyone for a month. He was so relieved when I called him he started crying over the phone.

I sighed, my body was stiff, getting out of this position is going to be hard. My phone started to vibrate really hard next to my head, I turned my head to look at the caller.


I didn't know if I should pick up and tell him that I was still here and that I'm fine. Guilt ran through me as the phone kept on ringing and ringing. Does he really care that much? why would someone care about me, they don't even know what I look like. They don't know much about me either, I've kept secrets from them and I lie that I'm fine. I don't understand why they like me or want to be friends with me.

My phone finally stopped ringing and I sighed out of relief. I sat up rubbing my face with my hands, I feel disgusting. I really need a shower.

As I got up my phone started ringing again, looking back at my phone on the bed, it was Thomas that was calling. Deciding that I didn't want to hear that annoying ringtone, I picked up the phone and accepted the call.

"What?" I said with an annoyed tone. I instantly regretted it when I could hear him sniffling on the other end. "Sy?" I said more sweetly, I instantly felt bad, was he trying to get in contact with me because something happened? why was he crying?

"Sy.... talk to me buddy." The sniffling calmed down and it went silent for a few minutes. My heart was racing and I felt like I was gonna pass out. Time felt like it was going slower. Thomas finally answered but it wasn't the answer I was ready for.

"I thought y-you didn't want to talk to me." My heart sunk. "Sy..... of course I want to talk to you. I've just had some.... bad days..." I sighed, his sniffling made me tear up, I really messed things up. He really was crying because of me. "I wasn't ignoring you Sy, I've just been feeling shit lately and I haven't eaten, I haven't slept and to be honest I.....I" I stuttered, My words didn't want to come out, I tried telling him I wanted to kill myself but I couldn't bring myself to say it.

"What are you trying to-to say?" Thomas sounded concerned and worried. But I still couldn't tell him, I felt bad. " I-I...I don't know if I want to say it. I don't want to upset you even more." It went silent again. "You can tell me Kane." I was taken back, he said my name out of nowhere and I stiffened up. He said it so calmly, it sounded nice when he says it. I normally hate my name but he is making me like it. "I've.... fuck. I've been really wanting to kill myself lately." I paused waiting for a response but the only thing I could hear was the sound of a mouse clicking. confused I asked, "What are you doing Sy?" He didn't reply until he was finished clicking with his mouse.

"I'm paying for a Uber." I felt my whole face lit up with excitement. Was he planning on coming over? Oh god what if he is, my house is a mess there are bottles everywhere, clothes on the floor. Blood in the bathroom.... Fuck! I completely forgot! shit shit shit! I ran over to the bathroom and got some cleaning products to clean. Thomas's voice spoke up."What are you doing?" I was out of breath from running back and forth. "You're coming ov-over arent you?" I said and stopped what I was doing. " I- um yes." He replied quietly. "unless yo-you don't want me to." "Of course I want you to" I looked down at my feet. "Well, then I'm on my way!" I smiled.

Time went by fast, Thomas was already at my door and I hadn't even finished cleaning, it didn't even look like I started. I sighed god this was hard, my limbs felt limp and weak.

As I approached the door and I felt my anxiety go crazy. I've never met Thomas in real life what if he completely hates me and the way I look? My hand retracted from the front door handle fuck I hate this. But my gut told me to open the door and things will turn out great. I opened the door and I looked down and there was Thomas looking up and smiling at me, he was shorter than i expected.

"Hello!" he smiled


I smiled back.

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