Fighting for every breath; trying to savior
my last moments. I'm blacking out with every blink I take. My surroundings are becoming a blur, a memory, soon my past, and history. My ears are ringing, with high pitch sounds, and beating my head. They taught us to hate the silence, but I can't help to think how now I hate the noise more; I'd rather have the silence.My body is aching, blood stains, bruises, and cuts. On the left side, the skin seemed like hamburger meat, heavy blood poured out, and dirt had filed in. My favorite shirt ruined by my on decay- what worse could possibly happen now?
I was thinking how just weeks ago I was still a healthy man. I lived my life with careless thoughts; how nothing could hurt me. I lived in a small town outside the town of Ever Woods. When I mean small, I mean the size of one person living there, and you wouldn't see anyone for miles. It was nice and peaceful and I had orchards that grew fruits with each season. The weeping willows flowed with the spring wind, and the branches were cover by snow and rain in the winter. My house was small, but it was the place a crawled into at night to sleep and to have dinner. However, things changed since then. They will never be the same again.
I was now managing at least to pull myself to the side of the road, so I would be out of harms. I rolled over into a army crawl. My legs refused to work properly and I was left to drag them. I felt every rock and sharp edge into my fresh wound.
Thoughts, memories, a blur of images of people I once knew, and I was now I was alone; dying. I was now reliant on myself, one to hold me, to say its going to be okay, and to tell me to hold on. There were no comforting thoughts to help me now.
Rocks started to jab my open cuts; blood poured a crossed the road. The sun rested on my back, with the burst of light that came from behind the clouds.
I need to fight, I must, and I needed to in order to stay alive. My thoughts rambled on, my mind begun to fill with cries, and urges to stay awake.
Looking around, my vision became unclear to the objects in my surroundings. My arms clasped from the dragging. Some sorta liquid ran down the side of my forehead. Then everything was filled with darkness.
My dream consisted of this:
She lifted up her arm and felt the back of my hand with the touch of her finger tips; they were wet. She then had put both of her hands in the bowl of water again and twisted the cloth to release some of the water.
"Grayson, we do you have to keep doing this to yourself. You're only making things worse for us."
Her voice was sweet and quite, as if she was trying to shake away something that bothered her. However, it was familiar, but why was it.
"Open up!" A voice called. "Now or I will break the door down," the man called again.
Then door came down a second later. Her knee had hit the bowl of water, as she was startled half to death. My wounds were now covered in bloody water. It stung, it had really stung.
Short StoryThis is a short preview of a series of books. Each book will have from 3 to 5 chapters. A new book each week. This is a story of a man whose left alone and was badly hurt. He has no idea were to go or where his family is. He was found by two people...