- Yandere Kirisima -

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In this headshot there is no quirks. Bakugou doesn't have a big ego or attitude. He also wasn't as strong as he is in the anime/Manga from no training. But he goes to the gym still UnU (I anit dat mean) But (Y/n ) was raised in a household that always had her carry a gun and knife for safety reasons.


You had woke up at 2 am, needing a snack


No response
"Thats odd, he's usually not up until 6, why is he up?"

As your walking downstairs you see a note.

"Over at Kirisimas, couldn't sleep and didn't want to wake you"

"Oh then I'll go over there!"

At Kirisimas house

"Let me go, please. (Y/n) is probably so worried!"
"I left her a note she'll be okay"
"NO SH-"

You had walked in the door seeing Bakugou being held against his own will

"(Y/n)! Your here early~!"
"Awh why~?"
"(Y/n)! Just please come here"
"Okay Bakugou"

You slowly walked over til him until you felt someone grab the neck of your collar

"Oh Young (Y/n), I don't think you realized that Bakugou is now mine!"

You quickly pull out your gun as load it behind your back

"(Y/n), that's funny you think you can shoot me~!"

You had then shot the gun but it barely hit him after it moved but it still hit his hand

"Hah see~?"
"Shut up you asshole"

You had then shot again catching him off guard, and it hit him in the chest.

"Shit! Well Young (Y/n), you must know how to shoot well. Im still fine tho~!"
"Kirisima, please just leave (Y/n) alone! She didn't do anything!"

You then look over at Bakugou, who was crying.

"Oh, finally talking Mr. Katsuki~!"
"Yes, just leave (Y/n) alone!"

You stood there shocked

"Oh but why~? She's trying to take you away from me~!"
"Just leave her alone!"
"Under one condition~!"
"Please, just tell me!"
"I want you to leave (Y/n), and never talk to her again."

You stood there, re loading your gun because you had enough of this.

"Okay, just let me hold (Y/n) one last time.."
"Ugh fine, only because I'm nice~!"

Kirisima had undone Bakugou's ropes and you ran up to him

"You only have 30 minutes!"
"Okay Kirisima"

"I'll get him. I've got the weapons."
"Why no?"
"Then you'll be in even more danger. Just please (Y/n)! Leave him alone! I'm Sacrificing my self just for you."
"Sorry for what?"
"My existence"
"What why?"
"If I just died you wouldn't be in this situation!"
"Teddy bear. Shut up, its not your fault"
"Yes it is!"
"Look at me."

You had then looked at him about to cry

"It's not your fault. I can get Kirisima one day."

"Times up~!"

Once you were about to leave the door you shot Kirisima one last time, right in the heart.
He then fell down, knocked out cold.

"Come on Bakugou!"
"Okay. You really didn't have to do that."
"Its fine, the hit knocked him out so hard he shouldn't remember anything."
"Still. I could of fended him off myself."
"Just shut up and let's go, I'm still hungry"
"You never told me that"
"Maybe cause I was too busy saving you like a good girlfriend."
"Oh shut up. Now I'm picking where we eat at"
"Okay fine!"

I DID ITT! I will say this was a little different then how I had mapped it out. (Y/n) wasn't supposed to have weapons and Kirisima was supposed to kill (Y/n). But anyways why does it take like 15 minutes to write? Or it could take hours and I just have no control of me feeling time. I don't know >:[ anyways the word count is; 671

Bakugou x Reader HeadshotsWhere stories live. Discover now