epilogue: one year later

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Liya made her way across the crowded living room, kindly asking people to move out of her way before she spilled another round of cosmos over their expensive ass dress shirts.

She sighed in relief when Steve slid next to her and grabbed one of the trays she had in hand and helped her set them on the bar.

"Jesus Christ, this place is not made to host fucking parties," Steve commented casually, rubbing his hands together as he scanned the average sized living room of the loft.

Most of the people were gathered in small circles around the couch and near the bay window, but Liya could see that some of them had also gone up the mezzanine and were watching the others from above.

Liya rolled her eyes.

"Yes okay, we get it. Your fancy ass parties are better than ours. We won't do it again."

"I'm just saying..." Steve stated, lifting both his hands in defence. "Not everyone is made for that jet set life."

"Steve, the only remotely jet set people in here are Cara and Greg, and they're the tamest people in the room right now," Liya shook her head, pointedly looking at the two radio hosts, sitting on the couch playing cards while the other guests were dancing all around them.

Steve scoffed.

"I don't remember you calling Greg tame the first time you guys met. You know, at our party, when he had his tongue down your throat?"

Liya hit him in the chest.

"I hope you guys are talking about me," a deep voice came from behind them, and they both turned to see Andrew walking up to them with a smirk.

A strand of hair was falling on his forehead, and he brushed it off, adjusting his glasses at the time. His burgundy t-shirt was tight around his broad chest, and the sleeves, rolled up to his elbows, made his forearms look exceptionally good. His rings and the dark nail polish decorating his fingers made Liya's mouth water.

She smiled.

"Of course, pumpkin," Liya winked, reaching out to tap on Andrew's shoulder reassuringly. "Mmh..."

Andrew wrapped his arm around Liya's middle and tilted her chin up, landing a kiss on her lips. He tasted like watermelon and vodka, and maybe a little like mozzarella sticks. Liya sighed and kissed him back, opening her mouth.

"Ugh, stop, there are children in here," Steve groaned next to them.

"Your son is asleep at the other end of the apartment," Andrew said flatly, apparently not minding the interruption as he kept his eyes locked on Liya and gently pecked her lips again.

"I wasn't talking about Sam, I was talking about my other baby," Steve exhaled dramatically.

They all turned to look at James, who was currently standing on the living room coffee table, a beer in his hand, shaking his ass to a Taylor Swift song.

"Endearing," Liya commented.

Andrew laughed, hiding his face in Liya's neck, and Steve sighed in disappointment before going to get his husband off that damn table - or maybe join him.

"You having fun?" Andrew whispered in Liya's ear, gently biting at her earlobe.

"I'd definitely be having more fun if we could sneak out and I could get my mouth on your cock, but for some reason there is a child in our room," Liya said in a cynical tone, burying her hand in Andrew's recently trimmed hair.

Andrew made a pained noise.

"I hate hosting," Andrew muttered in her neck. "Just saw that guy from your school, Garret, take tequila shots on my sister. I never want to see that shit ever again."

Liya laughed.

"Makes both of us. But don't worry, hopefully we won't be having to throw another house-warming party before long."

"I'm pretty sure house-warming parties aren't supposed to include body shots, baby," Andrew complained, kissing her neck one last time before pulling away.

Liya raised an eyebrow. Her eyes went across the room where a tall, Chinese girl wearing a purple crop top and a white little skirt was chatting with their neighbor.

"They're not supposed to include ex-girlfriends we cheated on either, yet here we are." Andrew groaned, rolling his eyes and pinching at Liya's sides.

"Would you let that go? She's here with her boyfriend, it's not that big of a deal."

Liya pouted and pinched Andrew back in return.

"It's weird. Also, I still don't like her."

Andrew shook his head but he was smiling.

"I figured. I do like her, though, she's my friend, so behave."

Liya mumbled under her breath, turning her face away, which obviously made Andrew laugh. "Now stop being a big baby and dance with me."

"I hate you," Liya said grumpily, but she didn't protest as Andrew laced their hands together and led them in the middle of the crowd of people already dancing in the center of the room.

"No you don't," Andrew said with a smirk, turning Liya so he could wrap his arms around her from behind and grind against her ass.

Liya tried to hide her smile, pressing her lips together as she pushed her hips back in rhythm with the music.

No, she didn't.

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