Chapter 9

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"Kool-Aid." The only thing Kai said that night.
Everyone in the cult was there. The military guys too. Everyone got served, everyone had a cup of kool-aid juice.
"Drink." Kai said.
Everyone hesitated a little bit, it was the end you were all gonna die one after another. All the cups drank Kai looked at all of us.
"Congratulations ! Everyone passed the ultimate test... You would all die for me. There wasn't poison !!! But now I know who I can trust or not."
You were so happy to have drank the juice, now he really trusted you.
That same day another big event happened. Gary had a big mission about abordation to claim justice. You weren't for that but you still continued trusting Kai. After all, what did you have others to do ! He never put you in danger so you were safe and you were always with him so you had protection. Your parents tried to contact you but the military guys provided the help for them to never tell your story.
Back to that night, Gary got trapped in the abortion center and Kai made a stupid dicours that Gary trusted. Kai killed him and placed him outside to show everyone what they were doing in those centers. That was a rough night and you had a talk with Kai before sleeping.
"Would you kill me ?" You asked.
"Are you afraid I would ?"
"No. Because I don't think you would-" You said before he cuts you.
"So why are you asking ?"
"Just to make sure..."
"Would you kill me ?"
"No ! Certainly not !"
"Well it's the same for me... And why would I kill you ?"
"I don't know, I'm just worried I'm gonna end up like Meadow or Gary for your plan."
"Don't worry ! My plan is to keep you with me."
He passed his fingers in your hair and smiled at you. You were both laid on the bed face to face. Since you and Kai were back together you started sleeping downstairs in the basement with him. It was a calm and silent place. Life was good, everything was good. You couldn't believe all that happened to you. It all started by you running out of your school and now you were with a cult leader. Who could have known that.
Then Kai took his pinky out for you to join his. The moment they touched he said.
"What are you afraid of ?"
You scoffed and said.
"I'm afraid to fall in love with you... I'm afraid of you in general..."
You were looking at him right in the eyes. He didn't reply so you said.
"What are you afraid of ?"
"I'm afraid to not become known and to not change the world... I'm afraid of what I can do." He told you.
What could you say to this ? Nothing.
"Good night !" You ended up saying.
Kai took his Adderall like every night, sometimes he took some before conference or other time.
"Why do you take those ?" You asked for the first time.
"Because I need them..."
"No you don't."
"I have anxiety so I'm pretty sure I need them."
"Can I have some ?"
"No !" He yelled at you.
"Why ?"
"This is not good for you !"
"I have anxiety !"
"No you don't."
"How do you know ?" You asked.
"Alright... But only one, I don't want you to get addicted to it !"
"I'm not gonna become addicted to it !" You confirmed.
You took 1 pill and swallowed it. You slept well that night and were happy.

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