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A fluffy one shot TSIME AU in which Jakub and Lili fall in love. I don't know why. Don't ask. I'm as upset about it as you are 😂💖 it's not canon to anything.


Lili squeezed the sun cream on her fingers and slid the slick lotion onto her muscled legs. Jakub watched her intently, his body full of sparks. The girl was so mint.

God he needed a shag. She was driving him crazy.

As if she'd read his mind, she turned her dark eyes his way and gave a shy smile that made him feel something funny in his stomach. Like when he had too many pints after drinking protein shakes all day. But the Villa provided no pints at all. Just nancy boy champa--No. That was homophobic. She'd told him so the last time he'd used it and she'd been brutally disappointed in him. She'd explained about how words like that hurt people. He hadn't ever thought about it like that. He'd gone to school with a lad who was very nice and always helped him with his maths. And that boy was queer as fuck. He didn't want to say things that would hurt the lad.

He tried to adjust his thinking . The Villa provided no pints at all. Just champagne, which he did not enjoy. He smiled to himself. She would be proud of him if she knew.

Lili rolled onto her stomach and stretched. "Jakub would you mind?" She held out the sun cream and he nearly tripped over the sun lounger in his eagerness to touch her.

He squirted the stuff onto his hands and slapped them on her body. She gave a little squeal at the cold, and his skin tightened with embarrassment. Sometimes, when he was with her, it felt like he was back in secondary school. Lanky and fumbling and nervous. Too dumb to understand maths and not capable of reading long books. Not knowing what to do with his hands or his mind, before weight-lifting had calmed all that in him.

She turned and smiled at him. His brain got lost in a fog of something he didn't fully understand. He wanted her. Maybe more than any other bird before. But there was something else. He wanted to... he frowned and rubbed the cream into his hands to warm it. He wanted to make her happy. Because it felt good when she smiled.

He mumbled an apology and stroked the now warmed cream into her skin. Her sighs of contentment made his willy wake up and say hello. He paused as he got to her spectacular bum, wanting desperately to touch it, but trying to abide by the boundaries she'd given him when he'd chosen her. "Do you want me to go lower?" he asked.

She made a sleepy purring sound. "Yes, I'd like that."

The bikini bottom was no match for her curves, so there was a lot of skin exposed. Tingling he ran his hands over her rounded arse. He growled in his throat, his body tingling as she arched ever-so-slightly into his hands. Part of him wanted to go further and stroke between her thighs, letting his fingers linger at the cleft that had been calling to him from the moment he'd seen her in a bikini. But he refrained from going any further without her say.

He pressed his tongue to his bottom lip, remembering the night before. She'd finally rolled over in bed and pressed her lips to his, in more than her usual sweet goodnight smooch. In the Villa a day felt like a week and after almost eleven days paired up, without so much as a real snog, he'd been losing his mind. The relief of finally getting it had made him weak. She was a good kisser, alternating between sweetness and heat, sighing sexy little sounds when he tugged on her lower lip with his teeth. His body tightened. They'd snogged until he was panting, and hard against her. His hands had wandered from her backside to the braless breasts beneath her silky pajama top and he'd stroked them eagerly. He'd buried his face in her neck and kissed her, licking and teasing her skin, pulling those same tingly little sounds from her.

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