Birthday Rejection: Part 1

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"Happy Birthday, Alpha," says Marco, my butler.

"Thanks, Marco."

"Are you ready for your party tonight?'

"Yes, I turn 18 tonight, and I could finally find my mate. I'm so excited."

He chuckles lightly," Yes, and I'm so happy for you."

I jump out of bed," So what's on the agenda for today?"

"Lunch with your parents, since you obviously slept through breakfast," he chuckles," a meeting about your coronation, that's next week."

"Ugh, a meeting on my birthday, how fun," I say rolling my eyes.

He shakes his head," Hanging out with your friends, and then your party."

"Ok, thanks, Marco. Well, I'll get ready for this long day."

➾ Time Skip(At the Mall)➾

"So Birthday boy, ready for this party and finding your mate," asks my best friend, and beta.

"Hell yeah, I am. I've been waiting for so damn long. I'm the last one in our group to get my mate."

"Well, that's because you're the youngest, even though you're our alpha, " he chuckles.

"True, but I can still kick your asses," they all laugh. Then the pack's slut walks past.

"Hello, Alpha," she smirks seductively, "Since it's your birthday, how about I ride that dick of yours?"

"She has really gotten bold," I say with a chuckle and the my face turns cold, "If you truly wanna live, you'd turn your hoe ass around and keep walking all the way to the other side of the mall."

"Yes, Alpha," she runs away.

I shake my head and roll my eyes as Ryder, my beta, laughs, "Man, every girl wants you and every guy wants to be you."

"Yea, because of my looks and Title."

"Well, not us, and definitely not your mate."

"Yea, you're right. That's all that matters. So let's get this party started!"

➾ Time Skip(At the Party )➾

I'm so excited, but I'm also so nervous to meet my mate. What if she doesn't like me. Who am I kidding, who can deny the mate pull? Never mind, people do it all the time. FUCK! Why am I so nervous. I've waited my whole life for this. I even kept my virginity, and most guys my age wouldn't.

A knock sounds on my door.

"Bro, what's wrong," Ryder asks, "I can feel your fear all the way down the hall. Why are you so nervous?"

"What if she doesn't want me?"

"Who wouldn't want you," he asks, "You're all around amazing."

"Not really."

"For one, you're humble for an alpha," he smirks.

I just laugh at him.

"You're absolutely gorgeous, kind, well mannered, respectful, loving, a damn virgin for crying out loud, and can cook. Who wouldn't want you? Hell, I would snag you up if I didn't have a mate, or if I swung that way."

I just laugh and hugged him.

"Thanks, bro. Love you."

"Love you, too. Now let's party!"

Word count: 479
A/N: It's hard to juggle being in school and it's my last year, so yeah. I'll update when I can 😊 ENJOY!!

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