10. The Whole Package

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If I was going to have a sliver of a chance of winning a fight against Azriel, I would need to wear minimal clothing, I quickly learnt in the institute that skin on skin contact, friction and quick movements are an easy way to distract a man and take him down. 

But I wasn't in the institute any longer.

I am alive. I have survived. 

I need to remind myself every minute.

Ignoring my instincts, I pulled on some baggy black trousers and a skin-tight black tunic. Looking into the mirror, I felt uncomfortable in my own skin. I had lost too much weight on the run, running constantly for months with minimal food probably wasn't the bed way to maintain a healthy weight. It was around 5.40 am when I reached the training area. It was freezing in here. To my right, I saw both Azriel and Cassian shirtless, Cassian was ontop of Azriel punching his shoulder, Azriel quickly flipped them over, grasping a sword that lay to the side of him, he places it to his throat. I watched each individual muscle tense and move on their backs as they fought, Cassian using brute strength and Azriel using his shadows. 

It was impressive, watching 2 males fight for minutes and none of them breaking a sweat, though, around 4 minutes later, Cassian had Azriel on the ground, he had pinned him down with his foot and placed the tip of the sword onto Azriel's stomach. "That looks fun," I spoke as I leant against the wall, crossing my arms. 

They both turned around, "You're early," Cassian spoke, a little out of breath. 

"Sorry to interrupt your moment," looking between the 2 shirtless men. Throwing a wink at Cassian "It looked extremely intimate," Azriel's shadows lightened as they greeted me, flowing around both of my ankles and wrists. I swirled a shadow around my finger, welcoming them, though Azriel retracted them. "Rude," I mumbled. 

"Azriel and I have all the time in the world to be intimate," Cassian threw a wink to Azriel. 

His left arm shook- his silent laughter. "Even if I did swing that way, Cass, you'd be the last man I go for," Azriel spoke, getting up and grabbing a drink. 

"Wait," I cupped my ear, "Is that a joke I hear from Mr Brooding?" I asked in a shocked tone. 

Azriel tipped his head to the side, his expression stone-cold again as he leaned against the opposite wall to me, looking at me over the rim of the glass. "Wait, what?" Cass spoke, crossing my arms, "Why wouldn't you go for me? I'm incredible!" He walked over to him, "I'm sexy, funny, handsome, ripped, big wingspan, drop damn gorgeous-"

"Don't forget humble," I added on,

Cass looked in my direction, nodding along, "And yes, humble, thank you, Evangeline, I'm amazing at everything! I'm the entire package!" He opened his arms wide, looking at Azriel again. 

"Yeah Azzy," I smirked walking up to them both, standing next to Cassian, keeping a far distance from his wings, "What is wrong with him? He's the whole package," I enjoyed the look on Azriel's face. 

"Yeah Azzy," Cassian echoed. After a while of having a staring contest, Cassian sighed sarcastically, "You hurt my feelings, deep," 

I would have patted his back if I wasn't so terrified of touching his wings. "Don't worry Cass, he doesn't know what he's missing," I spoke in mock reassurance. 

Cassian nodded along with a mock look of sadness onto his face. "I know right! I'm too good for him anyway," He gave a quick 'fuck you' look to Az. "C'mon Eve, let's blow his popsicle stand," He did a quick 180, walking away from Azriel. 

I let the faintest giggle fall from my lips as I slowly walked away with Cassian. I didn't even bother to scold him for using my nickname, "Fine." Azriel sighed. "Cassian," Cass turned around to him, a triumphant smile on his face. 

"Yes, brother,"

"If I was gay. You would be the first person I'd like." Azriel gave an exasberated sigh. 

"I knew it, see, I told you, I'm the whole package, nobody can resist me." Cassian clicked his tongue, "But unfortunately, I'm taken, sorry," He shrugged walking from the room. 

We watched him leave, "He's weird," I spoke, we were still looking at the door where he left. 

"You encourage him," Azriel mumbled before pulling out a box, there were boxing gloves, and punching pads. 

Azriel then spent the next 20 minutes telling me how to throw a punch. I had always closed my thumb into my hand, though, apparently, that's the wrong way. "Well I've thrown plenty of punches and I haven't broken my thumb," I crossed my arms, looking at him straight in the eye. 

Azriel looked as if he was going to explode. His right finger twitching every few minutes from anger. "You asked me to train you." He walked closer to me, a bored expression planted onto his face. "Let me teach you." 

"But you're wrong. I told you. I've always done it that way. Never broken a thumb." I crossed my arms, looking him right in the eye. 

His jaw clenched, his hands formed fists as he took a few steps towards me. I had to crane my neck to look up at him. "I'm going to work you so fucking hard," He grumbled. 

It took all of my life force not to look shocked. I guess Mr Brooding doesn't like to be told that he's wrong. Crossing my arms, I stared at him. "What's that supposed to mean,"

"It means that you've pissed me off, normally I would say 10 laps around the woods, but you're not in the right state right now." He glanced down at my skinny body, my fragile arms. "So you are going to punch the punching bag till I say stop."

Grabbing a bandage looking thing, he slowly wrapped my fists in it. "And keep your thumb on the outside of your goddamn fist." He uttered as he wrapped my other fist. 

"So you're into lace?" I asked him, a smirk on my face. His body tensed, turning cold, his shadows moved around him quicker. I pulled my hand from him, loving this annoyed yet shy look on his face. "Cassian talks about you a lot," I whispered, my hands forming fists as I began punching the bag. 

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