Chapter 1

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FUJITA LOOKED AROUND THE battered Operations Centre. She saw a dozen of people walking around, working on the endless stream of tasks that were always lying around on a space station of this size. She saw the viewscreen on the far end of the alien-looking room, and the bunch of Cardassian and Federation panels and workstation. Her eyes soon found a familiar presence, and she quickly smiled as Chief of Operations Miles O'Brian looked her way. She then turned around to face Commander Sisko, who had brought her here.

'This is Ops', the Commander said, quite needlessly. Fujita would recognise a command centre anywhere. There was an undeniable sense of importance in a room like this, from where everything was decided.

'I assumed so', Fujita responded. 'It's quite... beautiful.'

Sisko pulled up an eyebrow. 'That's not an expression I hear often about a Cardassian structure.'

Sisko was right, the Cardassian style of building was not something that was generally considered good-looking, but it was neat and efficient – though slightly intimidating and dark for those who had not grown up among Cardassians.

Sisko turned toward an auburn-haired woman, who had so far been standing on their left, at a big control panel. 'Admiral, let me introduce my First Officer and Bajoran liaison officer, Major Kira Nerys.'

The woman Sisko was pointing at, swiftly turned around at the mention of her name, and stuck out her hand toward Fujita. Fujita saw a slight quiver in her eye. However, the Major instantly recomposed herself and smiled. 'Kira Nerys', the woman said. Her voice hid no sign of the earlier puzzlement.

Fujita took the Major's hand and said: 'I'm Fujita Diru, haven't we met before?'

'I believe so', Kira said, and the pondering look returned.

'I wasn't aware you two knew each other', Sisko stated, while he, again, slightly raised his brow.

Kira glanced down uncomfortably. 'Karahna Prison Camp', she mumbled, not directed to anyone specifically.

The memory of the Camp struck Fujita. It had been hell. She had only been there for a few days, but what she had seen had been horrifying. Bajorans had been raped and tortured, not rarely even slaughtered. She could not wrap her head around how intelligent beings could possibly do something like that to one another. But she had seen it often enough, mindless slaughter.

Fujita shook her head to clear the dreading memory. 'Yes, the Camp', she said, not even bothering to put on her usual fake smile. Everyone in the room knew that whatever it was that had brought her and Kira to this camp, it had not been pleasant. Many of the people here had experienced the crooked power of the Cardassian Union first hand, and those who had not, had heard enough terrifying stories.

'Commander, is it okay if Major Kira and I talk in private? If you want that, of course, Kira.' Fujita said, looking at the Major with an undeterminable expression.

'Of course. You can use my office', the Commander responded. He looked puzzled, but he knew better than to intrude on private memories. He gently gestured to a room on their left.

Fujita looked at Kira, who nodded. Both of them walked toward the room. The big, glass doors opened with a hiss, and closed as soon as both of them were inside. The room itself was slightly darker than Fujita was used to – as was every room on a typical Cardassian station. There was a desk in the middle of the room, which Fujita sat down on.

'I didn't know you'd be here', Fujita said.

'Neither did I about you', Kira responded, the quiver still in her eyes.

Fujita sighed, not knowing how to continue. It had been so long since she had seen Kira, the woman had not been much more than a girl back then. Fujita saw she had changed. Kira had cut her hair short, and frankly, that suited her well. It made her look older, stronger; and she was strong. Of course – being a Bajoran officer – she wore a red Bajoran uniform now, which contributed to her more mature look. But the biggest change was in her eyes. Those deep, brown eyes. There was a sense of determination that had not been there before. And a sense of warmth. The troubled, emotional and slightly aggressive girl had transformed into a responsible and determined woman, though Fujita sensed that the temperament had not disappeared. And she knew that neither had her own.

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