Your Not My Father!!!

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David soon returned with Regina closely followed behind him
She rushed over to where the three where and immediately placed a hand on hers to check she was still warm and wasn't losing any heat
David had found a warm throw which he draped over her to try and regulate her body temperature
What happened Regina asked worried
I...I don't know she was fine one minute and then she kept muttering the fact she was tired and then just started getting limp
Killian answered clearly very distressed about the situation
Right forget about the black fairy we can deal with her later right now Emma's are main concern we need to get her back to Storybroke to the hospital so that they can keep an eye on her she's still breathing which is a good sign I think all the stress of everything that's been going on lately may have triggered her to go in to shock or something
Killian and Snow just looked at her in disbelief she gonna be ok
Killian asked scared for her to even answer the question
Regina looked at him with a sympathetic look
I think she'll be fine once she's had something to stabilise both her and the baby she knows your with her Killian don't worry she gonna be ok
It wasn't long before the four of them rushed off to find a way to open the portal back to Storybroke with Killian holding Emma close to him making sure she was as comfortable as possible
Whe...where am I stay....Killian
Emma muttered in a half conscious daze
Shh...shhh Emma it's ok love I've got you we're gonna get you some help I promise everything's gonna be ok shh
He reassured his wife or though wasn't quite sure if he was actually saying it to her or just himself trying to calm his own nerves
The group headed to an old sheltered barn to keep a low profile while they formulated a plan to get back home
The barn itself was not much to look at with a dimly lit interior and little to no pains of glass  left in any of the windows but it was better then nothing at lest until they could find a way back home

We need to get Emma out of here and fast I don't know how long she can stay like this
Killian half shouted in a worried tone
Snow saw the worried look in her son in law's eye coming over to where the pair now sat Killian holding on to Emma for dear life fearing to let go even for a split second
Snow crouched down next to them both watching her daughter closely
She placed a comforting hand on Killian's shoulder for reassurance
Hay it's gonna be ok Killian we're gonna get out of here and get Emma the help she needs right now we just need to open up the portal and we'll go straight there if I know anything about my daughter it's that she's a fighter she'll pull though Killian they both will I know they will
She spoke softly trying to calm her son in law done as she could tell he was getting very stressed out from the situation and had started shouting quite a lot scared for Emma's safety not to mention that of their unborn child
Sorry I...I can't lose her Snow I just can't I'd never forgive myself if anything were to happen to either of them because of me
He started sobbing quietly to himself
Hay it's going to be ok both mom and baby will be just fine I have no doubt in my mind of that
She smiled sweetly
Snow decided to stay with her daughter and son in law asking him different questions about general stuff trying to both keep him occupied and also to stop herself from worrying about the situation at hand

A while had pasted  now with no luck everyone was becoming anxious
Until David and Regina suddenly burst though the doors to the old barn nearly taking it off it's already rusted fragile hinges
Snow and Killian looked up immediately see the look on both their faces

There was a stone silence that came over the dimly lit room before anyone spoke

We...we've found a way to open the portal to get back home as fast as possible
Killian looked down at his still unconscious wife laying in his arms as he whispered some in to her ear softly
It's gonna be ok Emma we're gonna get you some help now love I promise
He then gently kissed her on the forehead before Snow helped them both up slowly making sure that Emma was supposed the entire time

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