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Jungkook POV

Well, isn't he just an asshole? He clearly isn't interested in meeting Taehyung or me and definitely looks annoyed by the fact that Jimin even introduced us. Lightly humming once the male responded, I looked at Taehyung who began smiling and talking about god knows what with Jimin for I have zoned out.

Looking back at the new guy... wait.. where the fuck did he go? Turning around, I saw him walking away as Jimin started running off to catch up with him, "See ya later guys! I'ma show Yoongles around!" Jimin said/yelled

All I heard after was, "I don't need your help!"

Feeling something slide up the blade of my back and up to my shoulder, I turned and saw Taehyung beside me, mumbling "I ship"

"What?" Frankly, I was astonished. That new guy doesn't seem like Jimin's type and I honestly think he deserves better. Also, this seems like a very uncomfortable topic. "So," I began as I wrapped my arm over Taehyung's shoulder, "Shall we continue this case?"

Taehyung showed his boxy smile towards me, however, it was definitely a bit mischievous, "yes! let's collect more data about Nari Lin and retrace her steps".

Right then and there, I swore I felt someone staring at the both of us but who? This hall was crowded with students and teachers. 

Yoongi POV

I finally got away from that cheery monstrosity. Placing my hand against the purple lockers beside me, I tried to catch my breath for I had ran around the school. He is definitely something else and very persistent.

"Deputy Min. I repeat, Deputy Min, can you hear me?"

Grabbing my Bluetooth piece, I placed it in my ear before pressing a button which allowed the other side to hear me, "what?"

"Hi!" another cheery voice, it must be... "Hoseok here! I know you just got to the school and all, but do you have any leads?"

"At the moment no. This one boy keeps being around me and isn't allowing me to do my job. I hate it here" I replied as I began walking down the hall making sure to look back multiple times to make sure he hadn't found me yet.

Hearing a hum and papers shuffling, Hoseok finally responded, "I know it must be difficult being at high school again, but please don't blow your cover and investigate. Our chief is expecting something related to this case on his desk by next week."

Shit... I almost forgot. Sighing to myself, I turned the corner and stood by the janitor's closet as I kept my head low, "just give me some time, I just got here as you said. I'll have something for you later today."

"Alright, I'm counting on you. Hoseok out."

Taking the Bluetooth out of my ear, I placed it back in my bag before hearing the fast sounds of pitter-patter on the floor and my name being called. "shit.." Turning around, I started running in the opposite direction.

"Shall we continue this case?"

What? Stopping, I saw the two boys from two minutes ago talking. Seeing the slightly leaner one go in his bag, he took out a book and opened it. He had a smile only a friend would describe as 'mischievous'.

"Yes! let's collect more data about Nari Lin and retrace her steps".

Do they have a lead..?  Looks like I will have something to tell the chief after all. Walking back towards them, I tilted my head just a bit. "What are you weebs doing?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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