Chapter 9: Keyboard

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On the way to base, Floro's backpack was buzzing. They were listening to Caramelldansen. Floro opened his backpack. It was his laptop buzzing.

"Turn that off brudda, we're listening to Caramelldansen." Sam quickly told Floro.

"One second, let me find out why my laptop's buzzing."

He took the laptop out.



"What the f*ck is that?" Said Elias.

The smoke cleared, revealing that Floro's keyboard turned into a girl!

"Mah name is Anto and I like to fart!"

"It was better when you couldn't talk at all." Said Floro.

"Shut that thing up before I get into a car crash." Said Sam.

"What do we do with that thing?" Said Elias.


The gang pulled up to the backup base.

Floro: Man on a missionWhere stories live. Discover now