Chapters 61 - 65

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Chapter 61: An Upgrade

The world retained its calmness.

I didn't know how much time had passed, but I came to with my body feeling somewhat lighter than it was before.

I wondered what had changed as I looked around me and saw hunters looking around in a confused manner while my summon continued its rampage.

I observed the blue boxed panel in the corner of my eye to see if there were any changes there. Nearly everything seemed the same, with exactly one simple change that was shining blue at the bottom of the panel.

[Skill Combination- Combine skills of the same rank to bring out unknown power. Compatibility is the key. Limited to skills at 100 proficiency.]

I blanked out for a second after reading the description of this newly appearing function. I then looked at the multitude of skills in my panel that had all reached 100 as I began to feel excited.

I thought I had grown powerful enough, but with this, I can go even further.

I had been rushing about the entire time this past week and currently felt mentally exhausted, and I was planning to relax the next few days.

I didn't get another message or voice after defeating the dragon, making me assume that the system addition of [Skill Combination] which the mysterious voice was talking about had taken a toll on it, and it would take some time before it approached me again.

I was planning on slowly learning about this new function, which skills were compatible to combine, and what they become after the combination. Ideas were already mixing in my head that I couldn't wait to try.

I left my Virulent Abomination to continue clearing the thousands of beasts that had yet to run away as I moved from my position in the air to heal the many injured hunters around the battlefield.

I could feel the eyes of the hunter I saved watching me very closely as I moved, but I ignored it for now. I was curious about him too as he was deemed important enough by the mysterious voice to be saved, and I was even more sure of it being him after recalling one of the figures I saw in the three smaller rooms. That smirk on his face very closely resembled what I saw.

Clearing the battlefield took a significant amount of time as two hours quickly passed. Hunters that were standing on opposing sides helped one another as squads were made to go clear the remaining countries that the dragon had occupied.

With its death, the powerful rank A hunters could easily work together to take down the lower ranked beasts and save their people.

The hunter that was watching me closely approached me as I was healing an injured soldier on the ground.

"Noah Osmont, right? Thank you for saving my life."

I turned to look at the man with dark hair that had a confident smile on his face.

"Not a problem, it was something I felt obligated to do. You are?"

I was replying as I healed the hunters around us. After a certain point, they just brought more and more injured people where I was, which I found to be easier than running around looking for them myself.

"Kazuhiko, or most commonly known as the Dark Sword."

The person and the face clicked as I remembered the famous hunter that stood atop everyone else in the United Federation.

"The most powerful hunter in the United Federation huh? Thanks for holding down the beast until I made it in time."

He scoffed as he heard this.

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