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"Because I'm dying!" she shouted.

His body froze in place. He stared at her in shock. She stared back at him, her tear stained face only showing truth and the look she gave him was like a dagger digging into his chest, twisting and turning. His knees gave out, and he stumbled backwards.

"R- Reyyan..." he breathed. He shut his eyes forcefully.

She broke again, sobbing. She clutched onto the car. Her body bent in despair.

"Reyyan!" He sobbed out loud, "No, it cannot be! It cannot be!" He shook his head violently. He reached out to her, and she to him.

She fell into his arms and clutched his arm tightly, desperately. "You cannot go, you- you have to be there for him." She cried into his chest. She felt it shake violently and she looked up at him. She grasped the fabric of his shirt, she felt the wetness of her tears between her fingers.

He looked to her, tears pouring down his cheeks, his eyes red and wide, his mouth folding, his lips compressing. His arms tightened around her.
"No.... no," he breathed heavily, it was like he was gasping for air but there was none to take.

She cried out suddenly, harshly. His heart nearly stopped, "Reyyan?" He yelled out.

She stumbled backwards, but he caught her in his arms and lifted her, "Reyyan!" He held his life in his arms. He lived only for them, for her.

She grasped her belly, "Umut-" she screamed this time. His heart and mind raced, his limbs felt like they were giving out, but he held on.

"Reyyan!" He yelled, he watched as her eyes closed and her head fell backwards. "Reyyan, open your eyes, open your eyes. Come on, come on!"

His breath caught in his throat, he coughed out roughly. He rushed to open the car and he sat Reyyan into the passenger seat, her head fell back, he took it into his hands, rubbing her pale cheeks with his thumbs,"Reyyan, open your eyes," he begged. He pressed his ear to her chest, he felt her ragged, quick breath.

"You will be fine, my angel. Everything will be fine, my love," He choked on his sob. He pressed his face into her neck, and held her face in his hands.

He rushed to the drivers seat and sped off to the hospital.

- to be continued.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed.
We'll see what happens in the episode.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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