{7}Halloween Pt.2

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Soon all three of them arrived.

It was already dark out, about 11:30 Pm. Dark, thick mist filled the air making it almost impossible to see their friends through the window. Smelled like barbecue was being cooked.

They all got out the car, each of them really close to George, one on each side as if guard dogs protecting their owner. In this situation though, it seemed that they owned George.

Once they walked into the house, it was overrun with people, flashing lights, loud music and drinks being held up into the air. Dream looked over the crowed that swarmed around a open flooring. The hell, since when did Karl have a pole set up in his house.

There was a girl sit up in the middle. She walked around very slowly at the pole, she had a very apparent smirk on her face. She soon started dancing on the pole, thrusting her legs up throwing her legs up in the air into a split above her head. She soon slid her legs back down to the floor and began dancing around, gripping the pole every now and again to slip into a low squat, sticking her butt out.

Guys and gals were cheering, throwing their drinks into the air, cheering the female on. The women seemed to have a lot of confidence, like nothing could faze her. Dream and Sapnap thought it would be a good idea to try and move through the sea of people to get to the front. George opposed to the idea but was dragged in to the crowed of people by Dream, gripping Georges wrist tightly.

They continued walking through the sea of people, getting bumped and nudged out of the way. Soon Dream lost his grip of Georges wrist and lost sight of him. Dream nor Sapnap were worried since George knew where they were going and would probably just meet them there. 

Dream and Sapnap walked up too the front, they watched the girl carefully. George on the other hand was trying to make his way through the sea of people who were taller then him.

George spotted the front, he noticed the back of Dreams head, he can spot that bright sun blonde head anywhere. He was Sapnap next to him, George began to walk towards them. The amount of people made George uncomfortable, the could smell the odors of others sweat, spit, alcohol and other unpleasant smells. 

George got knocked too the floor, his arms collided to the floor, people continued to dance and cheer more, seeming to leave the male invisible to them. The brunette got up and brushed himself off, he scoffed at how stupid and idiotic people could be. 

George could see Dream and Sapnap still in his view, only this time he froze. He noticed the female that was pole dancing staring at them. 

Dream and Sapnap grinned at the female, only to be given a wink in return. George felt hurt but what could you expect from two hot, Bi, and sexy males that could get anyone they wanted. 

The announcer spoke "give it up for Lana!" Everyone started to cheer at the female, including the two boys. George rolled his eyes. Lana waved at everyone, blowing kisses, smiling and bowing. She turned towards the two males and winked, blowing a kiss at them then moving her head towards the bar for them too meet her their. Dream and Sapnap glanced at each other, shrugged as if what could go wrong, then started towards the bar to meet the lady.

George felt envious. Ok, his two boyfriends would go home to him and only him, but he couldn't feel any more jealous them he felt. He needed a way to distract them from the women, kind of hard when she stunning though. George thought, he needed something to pull his boyfriends away to only him. The announcer spoke again "whos next to be the next dancer?" Georges eyes lite up. No one raised their hands, George looked around to make sure then looked at the announcer. He walked up to the front of the stage area. 

George raised his hand, a huge smile plastered on his face.  The announcer looked down at him, shrugged and moved to the side, arms out pointing to the pole for him to start. George ran up to the pole, looking at it for a second to think.

The music started.

George grabbed hold of the pole, smiling big, he thrusted himself up to have his legs grip around the pole. He started to twirl around, a arm out and a hand on the pole to keep him sturdy. People, mostly men, where shocked that a guy would wanna pole dance. The brunette started to do crazy moves and thrusts into the air, around the pole and sometimes on the floor. Finally he finished with doing a split on the floor, slowly followed with him fully laying down on hi stomach, his head propped up in his hands.

At this point, Sapnap and Dream were staring at George with hungry eyes, not even paying attention to the girl but it didn't matter much to her anyways, she was also watching George. The girl seemed to notice how the two boys near her were staring at him very watery. Once George got down off stage, she smirked glancing at Dream and Sapnap, approaching George.

George was waving to everyone, smiling big, he thought to himself that he did a good job at getting his boyfriends attention, what he didn't know was that it was starting to draw unwanted attention to him as well. The girl walked over, smiling big with some sort of tell in her eyes, George couldn't put a finger on it tho. 

George was startled when the girl came over, she was very close to George, He kinda felt annoyed but was still gonna be nice. "hello, do you need anything?" He asked, The female got really close now near his face, making Georges eyes wide. "yes actually, I. Want. You~" The female now backed George into the wall now, George slightly panicking at the moment.

George tried to push the girl off but was met when her knee was in between his legs, keeping him in place. George looked around for his boyfriends, he couldn't see them. George tried to see if they can hear him if he yelled to he screamed "GET OFF OF ME WHORE" No one seemed to pay attention at the party but Dream and Sapnap for sure heard. The spotted George, seeing how panicked and stressed he was. 

Sapnap thought George could of just dealt with it himself until he saw where the women's leg was. Sapnap and Dream started to march towards the women and the ruffled up brunette kind of slow since the crowd.

Once George yelled the women slammed her leg up, making George moan, he didn't want to. Didn't bring him pleasure, it actually really hurt. "Your gonna regret calling me that kitten" The women grabbed Georges jaw, he was slightly slumped over in pain after the women kneed him. "I like the noise you made~" The women started to run her knee slowly up and down Georges clothed part, making him groan and moan, making weak attempts to push her off. 

Dream and Sapnap finally made their way over to them, Them both kind of feeling jealous on how he made noises for her. They grabbed the women's shoulder and pushed her away from George. The brunette finally sighed and put his legs back together, less red and and hot. They told the women to back off. She grinned at them then walked away back into the crowd. 

George was finally calm only to be slammed back into the wall again by dream, him quietly whimpering again. George looked into Dreams eyes as Sapnap stood next to George. "And the reason for you making noises for her?" Dream asked, with a hint of jealousy in his voice. 

George was blushing now, "uh, anyone would make a noise when their member was being rubbed" he said hesitantly. Dream looked at him sideways only to move his knee up to Georges member now, slowly rubbing and creating friction between his clothed part and his knee. George moaned loudly. 

"only make those noises for us, got it" He said this while rubbing his member harder, making George groan. "y-yess~ mmm~" Sapnap smiled "good kitten" 

Sapnap then started to move closer until he reached his neck, he soon started to mark his pale, white skin with red, blue and purple marks along with some teeth marks. Georg was a moaning mess.

Lets just say Those three had a fun night-

Hey! ty for reading again, I'm sorry it took a while for the next chapter to come out, could really think of what to do and kind of felt discouraged to continue to write it. I decided to continue to write it so the people that read are not left in the dark :>

Ty again! Get good sleep, drink water, get a snack and keep healthy for me please! ily all <3

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