My Life in Covid

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I used to live a life of serenity back when the world was once lively and free. When the world was worth outgoing. Life today isn't really just as easy as the life we used to live before at all. And that's all because of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Life today was just so lonely and unfree. It is honestly saddening to think of the things that should've happened when all of these things never existed. My batch-mates and I should've gone to school, starting a new life of being in 10th Grade—the last year of junior high school. We could've experienced more things and make more memories to keep forever. I used to think that life wouldn't be as difficult if it weren't for this virus. I used to despise China but unfortunately, things had already happened and the past cannot be undone. We cannot change the fact that we couldn't turn back time. We have to face all of this together as one.

March 15, 2020, almost a year ago, our country was in a state of lockdown. It happened in the middle of my Grade 9 life. In that day, we should've took our final exams for the school year 2019-2020. I was happy that the exam was cancelled because of the lockdown but that was just in a short span of time that I felt that certain type of excitement. As the first week passed, it felt really agonizing. It felt really miserable for me not to be able to talk with my friends all day or even see my loved ones because people weren't allowed to go out at that time except for the workers. Honestly, I felt really down during the first phase of this pandemic. I've already imagined what kind of lifestyle I would face. Before, to be in this kind of situation was like a dream that we thought of. But now that we've actually experienced all of these—which felt very unrealistic before— things turned real quick and the life before is already the one that feels like a dream now.

My lifestyle has changed. I started to gain more weight, I began procrastinating, and I never took studying as serious as I did before since this pandemic started up until the present. It was very difficult to accept the fact that freedom is now non-existent. We all don't know when this would last. And that means, we would continually live in this reality, and that we should accept and face this trial in unity and compassion. 

In April of 2020, my plan to go home was postponed. I really missed my family especially my mom and my dogs. If you're wondering why I'm not in my home, that's because I lived in my grandma's house.

Way back in April of 2019, my cousins and I stayed in my grandmother's house for about 2-3 weeks because we used to sleep-over in our grandmother's house every summer. Now back to the topic why I lived there is because during the same time that I slept over in my grandma's house, my sister and I got into some bitch fight—not literally physical because that's only through the phone.

My sister is a dialysis patient since December of 2018 and her unpleasant attitude got even worse and it got into my nerves. She should've not been in that worst situation if she just obeyed what's bad for her health. That's why I despised her. She kept eating foods that are degrading her kidney's situation and voila, she just nearly died.

The day before her very first dialysis session, she told me that it was difficult for her to breathe and that she felt like she's drowning and that's because she just ran out of hemoglobin. I texted my mother and father about it and later on, they got home from work and rushed my sister to a hospital. Afterwards, they decided to choose dialysis sessions to save my sister's life even though it's difficult because we don't have much money for that. Moving on, as time had passed, I've noticed that my sister's temper got worse and worse to the point that she wasn't even thankful for my parents' sacrifices for her (up until the present). She wanted to die sooner and that really had my blood boiling for her because she was just so selfish that she wasn't thinking about our parents up until the present.

Moving forward again, in April of 2019, there were events that I would tell my mom through texts or calls that I don't want to see my sister in family gatherings and such. And that's when my sister found out about it because she got through my mother's phone and she bombarded me with outraging texts, marking the height of her anger at that moment. That's when I decided to stay in my grandma's home for the mean time.

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