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'There was a time when I was alone, nowhere to go and no place to call home. My only friend was the man in the moon and even sometimes he would go away too.'

' I'm just so tired to share my nights. I wanna cry and I wanna love , but all my tears have been used up.'

DREAM IT POSSIBLE- Sufian Bouhrara
'It's not until you fall that you fly. When your dreams come alive you're unstoppable.'

'It's like we're on the edge right now. I wish that I could say I'm proud. I'm sorry that I let you down, let you down. All these voices in my head get loud. I wish that I could shut them out. I'm sorry that I let you down, let you down.'

DON'T GIVE UP ON ME- Andy Grammer
'Cause I'm not giving up. I'm not giving up, giving up no not yet. Even when I'm down on my last breath, even when they say there's nothing left. So don't give up on me.'

'I don't wanna die but I don't wanna live like this. I just wanna feel something , I just wanna feel, I just wanna feel something, I just wanna feel. Something really real so that I can really fell like a person again.'

'My own mind can't lie to me. They all say it's anxiety but I just think it's me. Now I've lost so many years my pillow's a tissue for my tears but you never see. And now, I can't even eat my dinner , mum says I'm getting thinner , am I?'

FOREVER- Labrinth
Euphoria ( Original Score from the HBO Series)

'Are you with me , are you in or are you out? Are you with me ? Are you drifting through the dark? Are you in or are you out?'

INFINITY- Jaymes Young
' Baby this love, I'll never let it die. Can't be touched by no one, I'd like to see em try. I'm a mad-man for your touch girl I've lost control. I'm gonna make this last forever don't tell me it's impossible. 'Cause I'll love you for infinity.'

HEY LITTLE GIRL- sophiemarie.b
'I'm all choked up , I cannot talk . I've got a fucked up brain, fucked up thoughts. Thought I was okay but then , I guess not. I hope you know that this is your fault. Want you to feel bad when you go to sleep. Hope you're sad when you remember me . Hope you're feeling bad for all you did to me. And I hope you lie the in your misery.'

SAY SOMETHING- A.G.B.W & Christina Aguilera
'And I am feeling so small. It was over my head, I know nothing at all.'

'I'm paralyzed, I'm scared to live but I'm scared to die. If life is pain then I buried mine. A long time ago but it's still alive and it's taking over me , where am I ? I wanna feel something I'm numb inside but I don't feel nothing I wonder why. I'm in a race of life and time passes by. Look, I sit back and I watch it, hands in my pocket, waves come crashing over me but I just watch em, I just watch em. I'm under water but I feel like I'm on top of it , I'm at the bottom and I don't know what the problem is. I'm in a box , but I'm the one who locked me in , suffocating and I'm running out of oxygen.'

ALL I WANT - Emma Bale
'If you loved me , why'd you leave me? Take my body, take my body. All I want is - and all I need is- to find somebody, I'll find somebody. Like you.'

~LOST~GIRL~ ||Draco Malfoy||Where stories live. Discover now