Who the hell are you?

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(Name pov)

   I woke up tied to a chair, in what appeared to be a basement. " A bella your-a awake si?" " I am" I groaned in pain my head hurted, "I a hope my fratello didn't hit you a hard." He handed me a couple of painkillers, and a glass of water "I gestured that I was tied to the chair." He simply gave me the pain killers, and held the water for me to drink.


    I woke up in my room "hey Allen let's get Chickadee back." It was Matt, I noticed we both only had a couple of scars. We went downstairs, and saw François, "where's Oliver? " "he got fu**ed up so we should be the ones to get the Chickadee back." "Hellz yea" I said getting my best bat, as we all got in François car, and drove to the Italian brothers mansion to get my doll back.

François POV

    When we got there we saw Lutz blocking the entrance classic. I puffed out smoke from my cigarette, and got out my gun, I told the others to go ahead and save (name). I shot Lutz 3 times he groaned in pain, I shot him again, not caring for my bones snapping from the pain, I shot his leg multiple times, he fell, down, I got my lighter, and held it in front of my gun, and shot a fire bullet he fell unconscious. As I went to get the car ready.

     Allen Pov

Inside the house was kuro, of course, god dammit, we don't have enough people, I got out my bat, as me, and Kuro fought, I saw Matt command his bear, and then he left,to find (name)I chased after Matt and blocking the door was Flavio, "move it you colorful, fashionista" I said I smacked him with my Bat, as Matt Beat him with his hockey stick.

Matt pov

As Flavio was knocked out, I  broke the door we saw Luciano and Chickadee, Allen started fighting Luciano, and I untied the Chickadee. We ran and soon Allen and Kuma caught up with us. We got in the car and François drove away we got home with Chickadee asleep, we carried her to the couch and took care of Oliver whi was now in better health.

Author Note : I'm sorry but school got in the way of my updates maybe in the summer I can update more sorry if the chapter sucks

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