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- sarah


C 1 | P L U T O

It was loud.

Too loud.

My head ached as the sound penetrated my thoughts and I felt my face contort with a grimace as I tried to drown it out. After a moment I got used to the rhythm of it, barely noticing that it would build up before dying down and repeating itself. Before I had the chance to relax back into the nothingness, the earth abruptly began to violently shake and a new sound pierced through the darkness.


My eyes flashed open at the familiar sound of my name and I groaned, propping myself up on my elbows as my eyes adjusted to the light.

"What do you want, Remi?" I grumbled at the blonde woman staring back at me with wide, icy blue eyes. A sudden deep, amber light shone over her face, disappearing momentarily before it shone again. When the droning sound of alarms continued to infiltrate my senses, I frowned and before Remi could reply, I glanced around, finally realising that the sounds I'd heard in my sleep were those of the emergency alarms and the shaking I'd felt was my friend desperately trying to rouse me. "What happened?"

"Pluto. They've been attacked," she calmly explained, taking the jacket recklessly draped over the railing of my bedframe before throwing it to me. I effortlessly caught it and as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, I shrugged the leather material over my bare shoulders. I quickly slipped on the black combat boots resting on the floor and as Remi squatted to grab the duffel bag I'd hidden under my bed, I hurried to lace my shoes up.

"So soon?" I muttered, my voice quiet as I jumped up to gather everything I needed. "Have we been compromised?" I asked, looking to Remi as she started gathering her own things from her side of the room. She shrugged and slid out an identical duffel bag to mine from underneath her own bed, slinging it over her shoulder.

"I'm not sure. Before we go to Pluto to provide support, Ava called a meeting. It's in five. I assume we'll find out then."

"Right," I nodded, pulling open my side drawer to reveal a small, silver, sleek handgun. I took it from it's place nestled inside the drawer and, after checking it was loaded, pushed it into my holster. Once I'd picked up my own duffel bag from the bed where Remi had placed it moments before, Remi and I both strode to the door, aware that the sirens still hadn't stopped.

As soon as we stepped outside into the halls, chaos circled around us. People were running in different directions and were shouting out in multiple languages, their cries desperate and frantic.

Remi and I shoved our way through the crowd, focused intently on reaching our destination. When we finally came to a large, open plan room filled with people, we squeezed our way in, settling in at the back of the room just as a woman a little older than us stepped up to the front. We could barely see through the many bodies blocking our paths, though that didn't matter because her presence was enough to command attention. When the room quietened, the woman cleared her throat, her voice cutting through the silence.

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