The Valentines Dance

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Ok everyone settle down, You all can eat there *points at the right corner of the room* and You can dance at the center of the room and at the left you can play games there *points at the left corner of the room* Professor Mcgonagall said. Y/n wanna dance? Ron asked you. Sure. Y/n said 

You and Ron went to the center and danced. At the corner near the chocolate fountain.

Hey Susan where's your date? Ginny asked. He left early he said he always forgot what's the "password" of the common room, it's so  easy. Susan said. I think he doesn't like it here. Ginny said . Where's Hermione? Susan asked Ginny. She's there dancing with Fred why? And Y/n is dancing with Ron. Ginny answered Susan. Wait where's your date? Susan asked again. He's right over there with Seamus doing a friendly dance. Ginny said. Ok lets get marshmallow and get some chocolate from the chocolate fountain. Susan said. Sure. Ginny said. Ernie at the other side of chocolate fountain. Hey dude look there's the girl I used  so everyone will think I have a date, and i'm going to spray some chocolate on her, ruining her "pretty" purple dress. Ernie said putting the air quotes around the word pretty. Dude I don't think that's a good Idea. Justin said. 

Ernie clicked the knob thing which  make the chocolate fountain sprays on Susan and Ernie, everyone else's docked, Ginny and Susan got chocolate on their dress, and so as Ernie in his tux.

Dude what the. Justin said. Ernie! why are you still here?! Susan shouted. UH, I came back for uh Justin! He said panicking and left. Wha- Me- Dude. Justin said suprised. Who turned the knob Susan asks Ginny. Its Ernie, He thought if you get chocolate on your dress you will go to your dorm so he could come here to do anything. Justine said. WHAT?! SO he used me?! Susan asks angrily. Yes I guess Justin said frightened, and left the great hall. Ginny, I cant believe it he just used me like a cheap stupid toy! Susan cries. I'm really sorry Susan.  Ginny said sadly. 

You heard susan crying near the chocolate fountain and you see chocolate all over her dress. You called Hermione and you two went there. 

Hey what's wrong?  You and Hermione asks. I will answer it Susan, Ernie used her just so everyone will know that he has a date and he said he's gotta go because he always forgot the "password" and Susan let him go- Ginny said  but you cut her out to say something. But our common room doesn't have a password. You said to them. Y/n dont say that! Susan said sadly. Then he came back and I came near Susan and the Ernie came out of no where and he's in the other side of this very chocolate fountain and he turned the knob and makes the chocolate fountain splash all over the place that explain the chocolate in our dresses, and now we're here. Ginny continues. Oh susan it's ok both of you can go to our common room or ginny and I's  bedroom, I just need to ask the headmaster or professor Mcgonagall so the fat lady can let you two in be right back!.  Hermione went to find Professor Mcgonagall. Its going to be ok Susan, its his lost. You said to her.  

Hermione went back with a permission slip and  some good news. 

Hey girls, Professor Mcgonagall approved I just need to give or let the fat lady see this Hermione said. What is it? You ask. Its a permission slip so you two can come to our dorm. Hermione said.

You all went to the gryffindor common room entrance. 
(before you guys went to the dorm you said to your dates that  you guys need to make Susan feel better)

Hello, No Hufflepuff's at the Gryffindor common room. The Fat Lady said to you girls. Professor Mcgonagall, allowed them here's the permission slip she signed for them to come inside the common room and they can sleep in there only at our dorms. Hermione says to the fat lady. Oh c'mon then you girls can come inside only at Hermione and Ginny's dorm and the main common room. The fat lady says. 

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