Let It All Out

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Hinata sighed and stood up.

" What do you want?.............Hayden" Hinata asked , looking straight at her eyes.

"Listen Hinata. Stop your act. I know you want them to pity you, so that you could have them back. Right? That won't work! They are mine now Hinata. They are happy with me! They BELONG TO ME" Hayden said shouting at Hinata.

"Yes they are yours now! Wanna know why? BECAUSE YOU FUCKING STOLE THEM FROM ME!!! YOU FLIRTED WITH THEM! YOU MADE THEM FALL FOR YOU!!!" Hinata shouted back as his tears began to burst.

"10 years Hayden. 10 FUCKING YEARS!" Hinata shouted at Hayden while crying.

"Hinata stop that!" Kenma shouted at Hinata. Hinata smiled bitterly as he saw his exes at the back of Hayden.

A minute later, Suga, Asahi, Ushijima,Tendou, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Sakusa and Akaashi came running and went to Hinata.

"Hinata. Let's go" Suga said softly as he was about to hold him but Hinata pushes him off.

"DON'T TELL ME TO STOP! I JUST WANT TO LET THIS ALL OUT! I'M TIRED!" Hinata shouted as tears continued to fall down his face.

Hinata faces Hayden and pointed her.

"10 years Hayden. We've been friends since we're 6 years old!" Hinata said losing his voice.

"Stop it Hinata! That was in the past" Hayden said and looked away as she felt her tears threatining to fall down.

"Yes it's in the past because you threw it all away! I GAVE EVERYTHING THAT I HAVE TO YOU!!! I FUCKING GAVE YOU EVERYTHING! I EVEN GAVE YOU MORE ATTENTION THAN MY REAL SISTER!" Hinata snaps as the others were shock because they didn't know that Hayden and Hinata were friends for so long.

"I DON'T CARE BECAUSE YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DECIDED TO GIVE IT TO ME! I DIDN'T ASK YOU TO SACRIFICE FOR ME!" Hayden shouted as tears began to fall from her eyes.


Hayden wiped her tears as she knew herself how Hinata loved her and she knew she can't do anything right now.

"I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE IN STATES RIGHT NOW! BUT I FUCKING CHOSE TO BE LEFT HERE IN JAPAN BECAUSE YOU SAID IF I'LL LEAVE FOR STATES YOU'LL HATE ME FOREVER! And I don't want that. I don't want you to hate me." Hinata screamed as he let his feelings all out not caring if there are people watching them now.

"I only said no to you once. It's just that one time when you confessed to me that you have feelings for my lovers! It's only one time when I chose to keep something for me." Hinata sobbed hardly as he remember how he tried to fight for his exes love.

"I even begged you that time. I even said sorry! I said 'I'll give you everything but please not them I love them' I said that to you!" Hinata's exes looked at Hinata with guilt in their eyes.

"I just wanted to be inlove and to be loved! One time, it's only one time when I choose to be greedy! But you take them away from me! YOU FUCKING TAKE THEM AWAY!" Hinata slowly kneeled to the grass as Asahi and Suga tried to hold him.

Hinata kneeled down and look his exes in their eyes.

"You knew how much I tried to fight for your love. I give everything to you! I even forgot to spare love for myself." Hinata softly said as his voice was really tired.

"I didn't give up for you Hayden nor for all of you my exes but I did it for myself. I'm slowly losing myself." Hinata said and stood up with the support of Suga and Asahi.

"I just wanted love but I think love was not meant for me. Who Am I? I don't even know my self anymore." Hinata said as he hold head and wiped his tears away.

He smiled bitterly as he look them all with his broken eyes "I tried but I'm tired".

Those were the words he said before he lose his consciousness.

Luckily Asahi quickly catch Hinata and carried him bridal style.

Suga signalled Asahi to follow him while Ushijima ,Tendou, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Sakusa, Aone, Akaashi, Hayden and Hinata's exes was left there not knowing what to do.

"So you've wasted your 10 years of friendship just because of these fucking bastards" Ushijima said looking sharply at Hayden.

"Don't say that! I love them!" Hayden said angrily at Ushijima.

"You love them? Or you wanted them?" Oikawa looked at Hayden boredly.

"What? It's just the same!" Hayden said confused.

"No it's not, you clearly don't have feelings for them. You just wanted them because you knew that they liked Hinata. You just wanted to take all of Hinata's happiness" Iwaizumi said as he clenched his fist.

"To make the story short, You. Are. Selfish" Tendou said and smirked.

"You take Hinata's kindness for your own advantage." Aone said deeply that made some of them flinch.

Hayden looked away with her eyes full of guilt and anger. Kuroo held Hayden and made her face them.

"Is this true ? Are you kidding us?" Bokuto growled at her.

"Shoyo" Kenma mumbled as he held his head down.

Akaashi chuckled and looked at them deadly.

"You once had a bright sun in your life. Too bad your sun has already set and I'll make sure he'll rise again but not in your life" Akaashi said as he walked out going to Hinata.

It's been so long since my last update! I'm sorry I'm so busy right now! I have a lot of requirements to do for me to graduate😂 ...BYE BYE!

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