Evankhell's floor

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*Aspen POV*

I awoke, light piercing my eyes as the false sky came into view. The darkness that had covered me when I had popped the ball was slowly leaving my eyes, allowing for me to view the rest of my surroundings. The softness of grass graced my back. Its long stalks intruded into view. The golden coloured grass swayed in the breeze. Suddenly, an amplified voice broke me out of my trance, along with the static that comes from a microphone.

"*BZZZ* Mic test! Mic test! One, two, three!! One! Two!" The voice rung out, rather annoyingly, and my eyes were drawn to a floating onyx gold cube in front of a building that seemed to be floating. It was a mixture of many parts, from what looked like a glass skyscraper, to that of a shop.

"Hello everyone! All the 'regulars' who have made it to the tower... we sincerely welcome all of you to the 2nd floor... Evankhell's floor" the voice clarified where I was and  I remembered what I am supposed to do on this floor. 

"... find the boy with blue hair, with earrings and a bag in hand" I mumbled to myself before the amplified voice resumed.

"This is Evankhell's floor. It is also called the 'floor of test' because... Here we carry out the final test to see whether you are qualified to go up the tower!". This explanation reminded me of what Mr Headon said, there will be a test at each floor. 

"Well, I will explain the details to you later! First, lets start the first test! It's been a long time since we warmed up! The first test is simple, I shall explain now. There are 400 regulars here! Narrow down that 400 to 200! Try by every means possible. The test will end when the number of regulars reaches 200! Ready, begin!" with that the onyx golden box returned to silence, and I began my search.

I infused the surrounding energy into the plant life around me. They shall become my eyes.

"... guide me well once again." I beseeched. Despite being able to see far distances using the grass, the boy was outside of my radius. However this allowed me to avoid all incoming competition too. And so I walked. Walked into grass that stood far taller than me.

My search continued for a while, and I could see the number 400 on my pocket being continuously whittled down, however the only thing I did was walk a little faster. I knew that in my heart, father knew this would happen. There is no need to rush. While I felt that, I did expand my ability to see by a few dozen metres, just in case.

Finally, a boy matching the description my father had given me walked into my view. Fortunately for me, he was alone. This would make my current objective a little easier. Infusing energy into my legs, I sprinted towards my target. The grass whipped against my face. In the blink of an eye, I contorted my body to avoid the approaching bullet of someone who was outside my search radius. Luckily, I managed to catch sight of the bullet thanks to the grass, and roughly the direction it came from. As I was about to retaliate, a bipedal crocodile knocked the sniper off their perch.

Knowing I won't have to worry myself with dodging bullets anymore, I continued my sprint towards the blue haired boy. 

I burst out of the grass, halting myself right in front of him. He is an attractive young man, with piercing blue eyes. Garbed in a simple outfit of a white shirt, black pants and tie, he made quite the impression with his calculating aura. Looking at his bag, I noticed another 2 souls in there and thought to myself 'Good, he hasn't found a third yet' with relief spreading through me.

"Hello, do I know you? I don't recall meeting you, and I can't imagine why you seemed relieved to see me" His voice rang out, rousing me from my thoughts.

"Hello to you too. My name is Aspen, what is yours? Also I have a favour to ask of you, if you would be willing to listen" I replied, just as rehearsed. This was the only piece of advice I got from my father in regards of what I am supposed to do here.

"Hmm. My name is Khun Ageuro Agnis, and why on earth should I help a stranger I have just met" he asked, showing no open hostility yet, however I could see. His soul was preparing for a confrontation.

"Because you shall gain a third person who is in your debt, and someone who knows how to use 'shinsu', as my father called it." I replied, forming a ball of this so called shinsu (energy) and firing it. The green ball of energy fired quickly into the air above me, before exploding. Amidst all the clatter of fighting, such a thing would not draw too much attention to us. After all, the taste of new blood was almost palpable to me who was still connected to the grass.

His eyes shone with a curious yet dangerous light.

"How do you know another two people owe me... Never mind that. More importantly, what is it you want?" He asked, his lithe body tensing in anticipation.

"I would like you to put me in your bag, and take me to the next part of the test." I replied, knowing I had him right where father told me he would be. "In return, you shall gain an ally in me who shall help you in the later tests" I continued as I could almost see the cogs in his brain breaking over why I would want to do that.

 "Let me say this, I want to avoid the eyes of a certain someone on this floor for a little while. You can take me and the other two out when you need our help. I think this is a fairly good deal for you, no?" explaining myself even slightly, and saying I have a motive helps his suspicious character.

"I agree to your terms, but I shall add in one thing. After you repay your favour, I would like you to climb the tower with me and the others I chose" stating his want, I am surprised. This wasn't supposed to happen. While my father is rarely wrong about the events of the future, it is such a fickle concept and changes at any time. But knowing that this is something that was essential to my purpose in the tower I responded.

"I cannot promise we shall remain together throughout the entire journey. However if there may ever come a time we shall part ways, it shall not be as enemies, this I can promise you." I stated resolutely, suggesting I would at least travel for some time with him. As I said before, fate is a cruel and fickle thing that can never truly be predicted.

"That is good enough for now" Mr Khun said, as he opened his bag with a smirk plastered to his face. 

I walked slowly towards the bag, slowly being absorbed into it. Finally the light disappeared and I was encased in the bags leather.

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