tagged by kookiesandjinnie
1. Your first thought this morning after getting up?
I forgot to hand a chemistry task over. fuck me.
2. Favorite thought topic?
3. favorite sock style
long nike songs.
4. Do you see drinking alcohol in front of your children as a bad influence?
It depends on whether you drink to celebrate something, or just want to get drunk.
5. You have a Guardian Angel, you can't always see him, but he is always there for you.
Idk what to do?
6. What do you think you don't deserve?
7. Which animal would you assign to your best friend?
8. Which colors do you prefer to combine?
black & brown
blue & grey
turquoise & black
9. Favorite pillow?
my pillow?
10. Your greatest wish?
to be able to study
11. What did you want to be in the past?
12. What do you love about yourself
My character
13. Did you do something for other people today?
it's only 8:30 in the morning
14. Close your eyes Imagine a lidblings sheep. How does it look like?
just like RJ
15. Do you prefer spicy, sour, sweet or salty?
salty or spicy
16. Have you ever eaten hot peppers?
17. Can chaos be tidied up?
18. Favorite subject in biology?
Sex education or something. because like it's the easiest. i was fucking crying because of mitosis.
19. Tell me how you feel without telling me how you feel
I am tired.
20. Which sweets do you like the most?
i don't really eat sweet things
21. How many blankets do you sleep with?
22. Do you prefer an older computer that gets a little loud, that you hang on to or a new one that works great?
a new one
23. Is too much sugar unhealthy?
24. Another word for angels?