Episode 2

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The sun arose and lit up the town of west view , waking all of the residents. Well , not all of them , Wanda opened her eyes and turned to face Vision's side of the bed , there he was , still fast asleep with his limbs sprawled out across the mattress.
She rolled her eyes and stood up , her figure casting a dark shadow over him , 'vis' she said as she prodded at his shoulder 'wake up.'
He slowly turned over 'what time is it?' He said , squinting his eyes.
'Time for you to get out of bed' she replied.
And so he did , slowly clamber out , with groans as he went.

They both walked downstairs , vision sat on the sofa while Wanda prepared her breakfast. She had her favourite cereal in the cupboard ( alphabet soup ) and so , decided she would treat herself.

As she began to pour it into the bowl , she noticed something strange , all of the letters were the same as one another , after further inspection she noticed the whole box full of the letter 'a' , she made the conscious decision not to tell vision what had happened , so he wouldn't question anything , not that he should need to question anything I mean , nothing suspicious was going on. They were just a happy couple , living in the suburbs. But , just in case.

And with that , the back door flung open and in popped Agnes. 'Hey hun' she said as she swiftly entered.
Wanda began frantically shoving the bowl behind her in an attempt to not show her the unusual looking cereal , she managed to tuck it behind a piece of fruit before Agnes grew too suspicious.

Wanda liked her but shit was she loud , she observed everything with a close eye and always made strange comments to even stranger situations. She still appreciated her help though , them being new to town and all.
Agnes grabbed the handle of the living room door and swung it open before Wanda could stop her. She didn't want her seeing vision as well , himself.

Luckily , he had already gone back up to their room  to get ready for the day. Wanda joined Agnes and sat in one of the arm chairs. 'So darling' said Agnes , 'we should go and get you some new clothes for Yano , tonight' she said with her eyebrows raised.
'Tonight? , oh yes tonight' Wanda replied , trying to hide the fact that she had no idea what was happening.

'Let's get going then , don't want to waste any more time ' Agnes said with an enthusiastic tone.
The pair got in the car and begun the drive to the small shopping mall. On they way , Wanda noticed something strange , all of the parks were empty and there was no children in sight , in fact there was barley anyone in sight. 'Is it usually this empty?' She asked Agnes.
'Oh yes , the children are all in the school and their fathers at work'
This explanation did make a lot sense , after all , it was a Monday and so Wanda tried to shake off her anxieties.

They approached the parking lot and pulled into an empty space. By this point , Wanda still had no idea what was happening later on but , she had to go along with it. 'Sooo Agnes , where are we heading?' She said.
'First , the jewellery shop , never forget to accessorise' she said as she pointed to the broach in the centre of her shirt.

They stepped in side , it was a small quite cramped room with jewellery of all shapes and sizes dotted across many different shelves , but one specific head piece caught her eye , it was a purpely brown colour with triangles either side and 2 small arches underneath. She picked it up and went to display it on her head
'NOO' shouted Agnes , 'you must not try it on until the whole outfit is ready.'

Wanda looked up at her in confusion but , it's Agnes and that's just what she's like , she's very particular. She payed for the item and headed on to the next store to get her outfit.

They both walked in to the mall , it was a decent size and there were almost no people in sight. Agnes grabbed Wandas hand and took her in to a costume shop. Inside was walls of various different outfits , Agnes pointed at one in particular
'i think that you would look lovely in this one doll' she said.
Wanda grabbed it and took of the wrapping revealing the gorgeous dress underneath. It matched the colour of the headpiece and had a pair of gloves to go with it. 'Aw this is perfect' she exclaimed as she rushed up to the counter with coins falling out of her purse and onto the floor.

'Quick , we should get you back home' Agnes pleaded. She seemed desperate to return back and so , Wanda went along with it , maybe she had something left in the oven ?

They got back in the car and sped down the road to their houses , 'get inside!' Agnes shouted as she herded Wanda inside. 'I think you should tr' she cut off and stood still , her eyes got wider until they began to turn purple.
'Agnes ?' Wanda said , worried.

Her eyes turned back , 'Wanda hun , go try on your outfit.'
She did what Agnes said and began to clamber into the dress when she heard a loud booming sound.

'We're too late' said Agnes , in a monotone voice , she didn't seem like Agnes anymore.

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