Part 2

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S/m's mind: My baby is sweet but she's talking with a blank and cold expression

 mom? mom? mom?!
I said to my mom

Yes? honey?

 She said curiously 

 Is everything okay mom?
I said worried and wondering 

Yeah...its just that I miss your smile...
She said while looking deep into my eyes you know that it will never happen right..
I said while holding her hand and caressing

 I know I just miss your precious gummy smile...
She said looking at my eyes

I don't know....I'll get going now mom
I said hurriedly 

 Ohh okay , Mr.Park?
She calling out Mr. Park

 Yes ma'am?
Mr. Park said while looking at us 

Send my baby to school...
My mom said instructing Mr. park 

Ms. Sky lets go?
Mr. Park said while leading the way to the car 


*At the school parking lot*

  Ms. Sky, are you going to take the car or you will wait later?
Skyler: I'll take the car...
Mr. Park : What will I say to Mrs. Hwang?
Skyler: Just say that I'll be going home late because of a project
Mr. Park: Okay..Ms.Sky I'll go now


???: Hi bestiee!
Skyler: My day is already annoying and it gotten even worse cause a snake named L.I.A  just called my name
Lia: Rude a always S.K.Y.L.E.R I'm just greeting you
Skyler: A morning greeting from a snakes is worst than losing all my friends
Lia: Which you don't have should I say You will never have *smirk*
Skyler: Ms. Berkins can you get your disgusting face out of my freaking sight?
Lia: Do you wanna get expelled ?
Skyler: Well I don't care about being expelled, but what about your parents if they knew that your hurting the daughter of the only sponsor of this school *smirk*
Lia: are you try-
(before she could finish Skyler slapped her hard that made her fall to the ground)
Lia: Ouch!!! Your going to regret this!!
Skyler: As if I give a ddaeng 

*At the locker*

(you notice the bucket of paint above your locker)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 ⏰

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