Chapter 32

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Francy's p

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Francy's p.o.v

Yesterday, Elric had texted that he wants to see me Wednesday after school. So naturally me and Remi made plans that she and I are going to allegedly look around at the last preparations for the festival. She had her camping classes, but hey who knew except me.

I dressed up in a beautiful white sweater and my favorite black jeans and curled my hair. Remi cheered me on texting me during class.

Classes were almost over so I was getting nervous as always. We had just started seeing each other more frequently and I wonder if this means we are getting serious.

Once the bell rang, me and Remi met up and she dropped me off near the place I had agreed on with Elric.

"Don't get too wild now." She smiled. "Or maybe do."

I took my bag. "If I do, there'll be great stories to tell."

I got out of the car and headed towards the benches.

"Francy.." I heard my name being called out and turned around. I saw Elric standing there in a hoodie and a pair of jeans with a backpack on his back. Seems like he came from school.

I instantly thought wow maybe I shouldn't have over dress, but I was so used to him being well dressed that his casual wear might have thrown me off.

But he still looked good. That wasn't fair. Why does he always look this good?

"Hey there." I walked over to him and he instantly hugged me.

Why is this hug so sweet yet something feels very off about it?

Ugh damn it Francy. Stop overthinking stuff.

Once he pulled away from the hug he took my hand and walked down the street. I held his hand tight and kept glancing at him. He was worried about something. Should I say something about it?

But maybe he didn't want to talk about it.

We entered this small cafe. There was no one there but the man at the bar and he was minding his own business wiping glasses.

"Two hot chocolates please." Elric spoke louder and chose a corner table next to the window for us to sit.

It was so quiet, that the music in the background playing so low in the background was easy to hear at normal volume.

There were large dimmed windows, and black leather chairs. It had a jazzy vibe, with the tall counter and red bar chairs. But even with the new interesting aesthetic, I couldn't turn my focus away from Elric.

My leg was restless under the table. This felt a bit awkward. He was silent more than usual while we were waiting for the hot chocolate.

The barista showed up ten minutes later placing our drinks next to us in silence and walked away.

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