Chapter 4: Making New Friends

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        Gaara laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling, wondering what to do after his siblings left him. He didn't know what time of the day it was seeing as they were underground and the sky couldn't be seen, but if he had to estimate since the time they left the surface, it was probably early at night. The medical workers were just cleaning up their things after checking up on Gaara and sending his meal. As they were finishing up, there was a knock on the door. Gaara turned his head on the pillow and sat up slowly when he saw it was Yukari.

"May I come in?" She asked. This time, she seemed calmer and steadier with her words.

"Yes, ma'am. We were just about to leave," both of the workers quickly made a move.

Yukari walked in, passing by as she glanced at them and they nodded to her in respect. She approached Gaara and sat on the chair that Temari was sitting on before, her face showing a neutral expression, but obviously less frantic than before. She remained quiet for a few seconds, leaving Gaara to hesitate whether he should talk first.

"Sorry about earlier," Yukari broke the silence and apologized, staring down at the floor. Her expression was unreadable, but Gaara noticed that her eyebrows naturally was curved to look sad most of the time. "I get nervous around new people."

"What about when we first met?" Gaara asked.

"I was doing my job. Talking about... things is really hard," she answered with a smile, still keeping her gaze down.

"You don't seem to struggle right now," Gaara's answer prompted her to look up, wondering if it was a jab or just a genuine observation. His strange yet pure face seemed to have a comforting look, so she didn't take it as an offense.

"It's easier with one person than a group. Less eyes to judge you," she replied, fidgeting with her hands. "Even so, it's still hard. But I'm trying." Gaara somehow felt her words resonated with something in him and he couldn't help but empathize.

"I understand how you feel," he said in a low voice as he stared in front. Yuka looked at him, trying to read his emotion. He turned to her.

"So you're the leader of this village?" He asked.

"Oh... yes... Not on purpose, but I had to do it," she replied. Some of her wordings were strange to Gaara, but he brushed it off.

"I'm the leader of my village too," he responded. Yukari was surprised at this information.

"Really? How old are you?" She asked with both curiosity and amazement.

"Seventeen," Gaara replied. Yukari looked as if she was containing some kind of excitement.

"I'm sixteen," she responded with a wide smile. Gaara stared back at her, eventually returning her smile.

"If you don't mind me asking," he asked. "What is the name of this village?"

"The Light Village," she replied.

"Why is it underground?" He continued asking.

"A group of council men that helps me run this village advised me to keep this place hidden for the protection and safety of the villagers," Yukari answered half-heartedly, as if the answer was something she memorized.

"Protection? From what?"

"From people who would harm us," she answered uncertainly, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

"Like us?" Gaara asked again, with a knowing look in his eyes. Yukari felt like he was trying to pry into private information and she didn't like that.

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