Snuff films

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November 24th 2076 1:19 AM

Journal entry 7: ugh I hate flying especially when it comes to my family! It already was disaster waiting to happen when Matthew snuck in a whittling knife. Sadly this was compounded by David being on the no flight list. After an hour of having bad explanations and long awkward pauses, we managed to barely get on afterwards. Only for us to have a three hour delay for some security breach combined with bad weather. By the time we got to get on, we had to get off. For my sister was needing to be picked up and it was at a different airport across town to boot. Finally when it was said and done it took us six(the extra two was just getting to and from the different airports plus helping Megan get her crap in the car) hours to just get on the plane, ten more for flying, and one hour and thirty five minutes to get to my aunts house. Leading to a grand total of seventeen and a half hours just to get to the place I didn't even want to go in the first place. I would tell you about the flight to here, but I'm too tired and lazy to.

November 25th 2076 7:35 PM

journal entry 8: really mom and David you truly thought it was necessary to have my cousin(at least that's who I think she is) be sleeping in the same space as me. I have at least four reasons why this sucks First of all I have to sleep in the creepy ass attic filled with antique shit. Second of all mark got to sleep in the basement with it's own bedroom. Third I'm stuck with a person I barely even know except for her name(Alana Stone) and her purpose(to stalk and motivate me into having a goal in life). The final nail in the coffin is that even though we draw straws on which one of us kids gets the best and the worst sleeping conditions, for some inexplicable reason my little brother gets the best rooms and I get the worst rooms. Personally I think he's cheating, but unfortunately I can't prove it. I will catch him soon enough.

11:33 PM

Journal entry 9: Alana isn't as bad as I thought. This is mostly because she was paid in advance meaning she doesn't have to keep her promises. Besides that she seems to have her shit together. Her goals in life is to be the worlds best white hat hacker and bang Erin Smith. In the dream "job" department she easily could be the worlds best hacker, then again I have no expertise in hacking so for all I know she could be the worlds shittest hacker. The only thing that makes her stand out is her kabuki styled hair that is dyed pink in the front and her abnormally bright hazel eyes. Finally she idolizes her older sister for some reason. If it wasn't for the fact that she's my cousin I would say she's freaking hot.

3:27 AM

Journal entry 10: I went down stairs to get a drink of water. Sounds uneventful right so why am I writing about it. Well smartass(why am I insulting an inanimate object) something weird happened. While walking in a dimly lit attic I tripped over a box of home movies. So what your thinking to yourself(man I need to stop addressing journals as people). Well the strange thing was when I checked it out it had equipment I've never seen before. Another weird thing was the canister had labels with dates and titles on them. One dated back to nineteen sixty six. I want to search on the internet about the strange device, but I can't since it's rude. And I for one am not a rude person. Goodnight journal(seriously mike).

November 25th 2076 2:27 PM

Journal entry 11: Alana is a freaking genius when it comes to technology. Not only did tell me what the device I stumbled upon last night(an 8 millimeter film), but she also put it together for me. Though it was on the condition that she gets to watch it with me and get fifteen dollars as payment. I did learn her dad was an expert in film among other things. I guess her sister is not the only one in her family that is into art. Maybe my family is not so bad(at least in the art department). Well it's time to see what these ancient things are about.

3:44 PM

Journal entry 12: WHAT THE FUCKING HELL DID I JUST WATCH!!!? My god I'm going to throw up again by think about it!

4:12 PM

journal entry 13: Am I good? Okay I'm not wanting to throw up to much now. Normally I wouldn't consult an inanimate object let alone a journal, but the only person I could to talk to is still too shaken up for any kind of human contact. I could talk to mom and David(no they flip out), Matthew(no he's a prick), Mark(he's a tattle tale) Megan(she would call me a liar and then freak out), the poodle-beagle mix(God no I would look crazy talking to a dog). Yep I got no one to talk to but you(man I'm desperate). To describe the atrocity I saw would be impossible(but this situation seems impossible), so here I go. The first film I watched had a family hanging out and just enjoy life. Seems normal enough a little bit over saccharine, but it was okay. Then a sudden change in mood happened. It showed the same happy family getting hanged. The tree branch pulled them up(the branch got cut). Seriously it felt like I was watching two different films in one setting. I can't talk about this anymore not right now at least(not ever).   

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