Haunting Touch

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Naina was alighting down the staircase in very hurry, as if she is missing any train. She came down, and stood beside her father, who was reading newspaper. She lovingly hugged him, and he caress her head in fatherly manner, and greeted her - "Good Morning Princess."

"Good Morning Dad, how are you feeling now?" She ask in concern voice, and he look at her smilingly, and replied her - "The man who has a loving daughter like you, can't stay unwell for long time."

"Awwww... that's mean you are completely fine?" Naina ask in excitement, and he nodded his head in yes, and said - "Obviously my dear, i am feeling like a young man now."

"Haha...good, now please give me some money dad, I want to buy new phone. My old one has got damaged completely." She requested her father in cute face, and he ask her in soft tone - "Damage? but i had just purchased phone for you, one month before, how can it not work?"

"Ummm dad actually I have lost my phone in college, i have searched for it almost everywhere, but seems like someone has stolen it." Naina said in morose face, and her father scolded her - "How can you be so irresponsible naina, you are not a kid anymore, you should take care of your belongings, money doesn't grow on trees, I have to work very hard to earn even a penny."

"I am sorry dad, i will not repeat this mistake again." She apologized him in guilty face, and he gave her angry look, and got up from the sofa to bring cash from locker.

But before he could go upstairs, sameer come running to him, and inform him - "Sir, I found this phone inside naina mam's car."

"Oh my son, thank you very much." Rakesh (naina's father) thanked him in wide smile, and turning his face towards his angry daughter, he said - "Take this, you irresponsible girl, you should be thankful to sameer for safely giving you back your phone."

"Thanks." Naina mumbled reluctantly, and angrily glared to the innocent boy.

Rakesh patted sameer's head in sweet smile, and then went upstairs to get ready for office. As soon as he left from there, naina goes towards sameer, and starts scolding him - "You idiot, who had told you to return me this phone? Illiterate boy."

"Mam, I thought you might be feeling very worried for losing your phone, that's why i came to return you back. Why are you scolding me for this?" Sameer innocently ask her in tearful eyes, and naina hissed in fury, and said - "Shut up you bloody fool, don't ever dare to lay your eyes on my belongings, get lost from here."

"Sorry." He uttered in apologetic tone, and went away from there.

"O god, why don't you show little mercy on me? why I have to endure this stupid guy everyday?? Now what will I tell my friends? Shit...everyone will mock at me for not having latest version of iPhone, they will laugh at me for using this cheap phone." Naina was complaining to god, and was worrying about her reputation, which is in danger because of sameer.


"Where is your new phone?" shruti ask naina in excited tone.

"I haven't bought it yet." Naina replied in low voice, sitting down on the edge of staircase.

"Why? didn't your father allows you to buy it?" Nysha teased her, and everyone started to laugh loudly, which was irritating to naina very much.

"Shut up guys, if I have said i will purchase iPhone, then i will purchase it at any cost." Naina said with confident look, and Nysha ask her sarcastically - "Oh really? what will you do? will you rob in your own house to get money?" 

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