A shit day

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Skylar, a girl who is 16 years old and live with her mother in Tucson in America. The house stands as the only house in the desert and they are cut off from the outside world. "YOU STUPID GIRL!!!" a woman gives Skylar a big whistle and she looks away from the person and because of the pains are tears on her cheeks. The woman is Skylars mum and she is an alcoholic woman and the father run away as Skylar was born. Since Skylar is 3 years old experience she violence, 24/7 without a break. "HOW CAN YOU WRITE IN ENGLISH FOR THE 3 TIME A F?" Skylar says nothing and she is afraid, like everyday, of her mum. Then looks Skylar back to her and she shakes really much her head and swallows down "I...I...I..t..t..try..m..my...best.." her mum looks to her really angry and pushes her the exam on her arms and takes from the table an alcohol bottle and drinks on it, the 7 bottle alcohol this day. Skylar tries in the meantime to bring the alcohol away but she always caught from her mum. Now walks Skylar to her room and close the door and lock it. Even though she know that everyday she breaks out in tears and lies her hand on her cheek and kneels down and takes from under her bed a picture. Her mum don't know that she is a big fan from the singer and actress Cher. Cher is only person in the world who Skylar understand and she always save her life. Skylar cries continue "Cher...I want hug you and talk with you..." she sniffs "I need you...really..you should help me and I need help. Everything hurts me so much and the school is not better like here...please help me." Then she lies her head in the photo and cries continue. Her black, greasy and long hair lies on the photo too. Her mum don't allow her to take the shower and other things what is important for her. That's why she bullied in school and today was it again shitty in her class. Even though it was horrible she nevertheless remembers how really horrible it was today. Skylar came in school and immediately says her class mates "Look at the burger hair. With that she can cook burgers." Everybody laugh. Skylar look to the floor and she just walk to her place. As she slide her chair to behind falls from the wall a bucket with water on Skylar and she just stand there with an open mouth. Everybody laughs again and she breaks out in tears again and runs out from the class room. Some mates shows laughing with their index finger to her. She runs to the toilet and go to a toilet cabine, locks it out and sits on the toilet. Then she lies her feets on the toilet and buries her head in her knee and cries again. After a hour comes a teacher to the toilet because the mates told to him that she runs to the toilet. In the meantime they dry the water and behaves innocent in front of him "Skylar?" As Skylar hears that she don't make any sounds and is quiet as possible. The teacher looks down to see shadows and after a while he see the shadow from Skylar and he unlock the door with a coin. Skylar tries meanwhile to look normal and she stands up with crossing arms. The teacher takes her arm and without a word from her he pulls her back to the classroom...

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