My SuperMom

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About a lovely woman I called my mother, her name is Carol Byfield not my mother by birth but my mother nonetheless.

I admire carol for her personality, ability to keep a calm perspective even in some situations that most people would classified as extreme.

Originally she take stand in my upbringing at two months Old up to today's date.

I applaud her for she took up a responsibility of being a mother to a stranger's child, I truly admire my mother as it is, not many women in this day and age willing troubled themselves with such responsibilities.

There was this time I was in school she was helping me with homework but I was not understanding and I guess not paying attention as I should, she slap me and I shout "don't reprimand me your not my mother!"

I regretted it instantly after I said it as much as how young and small minded I was, I could tell she was heartbroken in fact my mother reminds me of that day a couple times when I was a teenager.

Looking back at it now it was a real selfish thing to say but my mom remains calm as always, hearing her repeating what I said that day have me feeling heartbroken even thinking about it now, though my mother and I have a mutual understanding and a lovely relationship I wouldn't ever changeover trade her for the world.

Carol is beautiful in more ways that one inside and out, her heart and her kind spirit is a gift, even though my mom is a force to be reckoned with spiritually, she's sophisticated, she smart and my mom gives really good advices anytime I'm having a bad day I would call my mom tell her my problems and she would be like "take it easy and pray don't worry yourself just pray and ask god to help you."

When I was sixteen years old and acting out you know teenagers being teenagers having boyfriend,talking back and such
'typical teenagers' she was hard on me,she would scolds me at times but otherwise she didn't really communicate with me that much at the time, but then she come around and explain to me the possibility of teenage pregnancy, Sexual transmitted Diseases, the importance of education and working a path towards a life full of happiness in which I'm a successful woman, and up to this day her words of advices are with me.

My favorite memory growing up with mom was back in primary school there was this school trip to "twin sister cove" in Jamaica and we had to brought our own lunch, I remember mom buying a brand new lunch bag for packing my snacks, she also deep fried chicken or "French fry/friend fry" or whatever we Jamaicans call it.

So when it was lunch time on the trip and I take out my lunch everyone was asking if I went to KFC before I board the bus some of the students were even jealous requesting to stop at KFC also, I was so proud of my mom I started boasting.

My most fondest moment of my mother was this time I spent all my lunch money that was supposed to serve me for a week but I didn't tell my dad only mom and daddy gave her lunch money as she was low on cash and she had to work that day, and she gave me that money so that I can get to school it was a sweet moment, seeing her sacrificing herself for me even though I'm not hers by blood it meant alot and it also says alot.

There's this past she talks about when she was a teenager she got pregnant and she didn't have food for herself much less the baby and the baby father wasn't around her dad didn't want anything to do with her or the baby, a neighbor cooked and brought food for the baby but she was hungry so she ate it and give the baby the breast milk, she said she cry day and night when she see the baby crying because he's hungry she also tells me how she struggle as a teenager.

Now to see my mom successful and comfortable now is an inspiration to me. All the challenges she succeed helps drive me to be successful.

My relationship with my mother is unexplainable.

my mother is my mentor, I can't put into words what my mother means to me.

I love you Carol Byfield your my superhero, my SUPERMOM and this is my tribute to you.

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