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Billies POV

After me and Brandon went out of the classroom we saw Zoe and Drew waiting.

Drew: hey guys

Brandon: sup

Zoe: how did the test go?

Billie: it was fine

Brandon: it was horrible

Drew: why, was it hard?

Brandon: yes I didn't understand shit

we all giggled

Billie: so when does 2nd period start?

Brandon: i think it start in 10 mins

Billie: oh ok do you guys wanna get some food?

Brandon: yeah sure I'll pay

Billie: oh no you don't have to I'll pay

Brandon: don't be stupid Billie I'll pay end of conversation

Billie: but-

Brandon: Billie

Billie: fine I guess you'll pay then

Brandon: great

~time skip to lunch~

so me and Brandon, Zoe, Drew and all of Brandon's friends are at lunch.

Brandon: ugh I hate school lunch

Prince: same

Brandon: im gonna go to the student shop
what do you want Billie?

Billie: oh can u get me some takis and water please
I'll give you the money

Brandon: no Billie I'll pay

Billie: but Brandon you already-

Brandon: Billie it's fine

Billie: ugh fine

Brandon: good

After Brandon left everyone stared at me smirking

Billie: what?

Zoe: ooo someone's in love

when she said that I started blushing hard

Billie: cmon Zoe quite

Drew: I think she's right

Billie: I don't know what you guys are talking about

I said putting both of arms across of my chest

Zoe: I think you know exactly what we're talking about

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