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"Marcus you idiot!" I shout,shuffling through my luggage, "Where's my bloody quidditch jumper?"

   "I don't know Tia!" He shouts back from his room at the end of the hall.

"You did laundry last!" I argue, I look under my bed and in between the sheets. "Nevermind!" I shout as I pull the familiar green jumper from under my sheets.

  "Told you!" My step brother shouts, I push down the urge to run into his room and slap him.

"Hestia,Marcus! Hurry up, we don't have all day!" Yells our mother.

"We only have an hour!" My step father chimes in.

I never knew my real father, He died before I was born and Mum tells me he wasn't a very good person, so she refuses to ever speak of him. Which I can't blame her for. Alrick is the only father figure I've ever had and I'm grateful for him, he loves me like his own. I am through and through his daughter. Same is said for my mother and Marcus, he is her son. Even if she didn't conceive him.

I throw as much clothes as I can into my chest  and  shove all my text books in as well. My brother and I would be starting our 5th year at Hogwarts tonight, we're both Slytherin.  Marcus would be the Captain of the Slytherin quidditch team and I would be one of the Co-Captains along with my best friend, Adrian Pucey. Slytherins have won the Quidditch Cup for the past years and we intend to keep that way. Year after year we outsmart every house in quidditch, and I've always found it quite amusing watching Oliver Wood get so worked up. Like my brother, quidditch is his life.

I love quidditch but I can't afford to revolve my whole life around it. My parents expect me to be the successful one, wanting me to get the best grades as possible, and it hurts me to disappoint them.

"Hestia," Mum walks into my room smiling. "Time to go love." There are few similarities between my mum and I. She always looks so happy and contempt, meanwhile I have a major case of Resting Bitch Face.

I do a quick glance over in my mirror before I head out the door. My dark hair falls into waves as I let it down from the ponytail it was in.

This year will be eventful I just know it.

Kings Cross Station was filled with witches,wizards, and muggles alike. I love watching the people running to and fro, from train to train. It's quite entertaining.

I walk side by side with Marcus who's babbling on and on about his quidditch plans for this year. I tuned him out the second we left the house, nodding and saying "mhm" every so often to make him think I was paying attention. When in reality I was trying to remember what classes I had signed up for this year. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my name being called.

  "TIA!" I looked ahead of me and saw Ashlee Doon alone with Addi Stone come rushing up to me. Addi is very short in stature, her skin dark, and slick black hair. "You will not believe the summer I had!" I met her in our 1st year when we shared a dorm room, she was (and still is) a very loud and opinionated person.

Ashlee on the other hand is quieter and taller. She was a transfer student from Bouxbaxons last year, she was terrified at the start. But when she was sorted into Slytherin Addi and I were set on making her our friend. "Hullo Tia." She said, her accent still strong as ever.

At the sight of my friends Marcus rolls his eyes and starts to walk ahead with our parents. "Ashlee! Addi!" I smile, glade to see my friends after the summer break. "How are you guys?"

"I'm okay." Ashlee says.

Addi smiles broadly. "You won't believe what happened this summer!" She pursed her lips, "But the story is rather long and the train leaves in 5 minutes and I would ha-"

"5 minutes?" Ashlee cuts her off.

  "We gotta go!" I exclaim, "Go on with out me, I gotta find my parents. My friends nod and disappear into the wall between platform 9 and 10. I look around and don't see my brother or parents, they probably are already on platform 9 3/4. I exhale out of my nose and rush into the wall.

As I pass through I collide with another person. I immediately start apologizing,before I realize who it is I ran into. "Woah I'm so-"

The person turns around looking annoyed. I recognize him immediately.

  "Oliver Wood." I say while laughing. "And here I thought I almost ran over someone important."

  "Hestia," he smiles vaguely. "How's your quidditch team holding up?" He asks pointing over to my brother and Adrian, who were already in a verbal fight. Shit.

I roll my eyes trying to keep my cool, "Wouldn't you like to know Captain." I say dripping sarcasm and fake pout, "Planning sabotage already?" The truth is the Slytherin quidditch team is so unstable right now that even Wood was noticing.

"I wouldn't stoop that low." He glared and then smirked, " It's a Slytherin trait though."

Asshole. He knows we're falling apart.

"If you'll excuse me," I push past the attractive Scottish boy, slightly shoulder tapping him and giving him a mocking grin, "I have to break up a fight between two dogs."

When I'm a good few paces away I shout over my shoulder. "And good luck this season Wood! You'll need it!" I wink and smirk.

   He opens his mouth, but I turn away too fast for him to respond.

My smirk immediately turns into a scowl as I approach the boys. Marcus looks annoyed and pissed off. Never a good mix with him.

     "You guys are not making us look good right now!" I hiss, "It's no secret that we need to get our shit together before the season. You two are not helping, at all!"

  "Were you just flirting with Wood?" He asks pissly, completely ignoring me. What else is new?

  "No." I state in my own pissy tone. " That's hardly flirting, if you want me to flirt with him. I will."

  "Yeah, right." He scoffs. I ignore him and turn my full attention to Adrian.

  "Hey Adrian!" I say as I hug my him. "How was your summer with your dad?" Adrain has always had a strained relationship with his father after his parents divorce.

  "Not bad but not good." His smile was weak, when we get to Hogwarts I'll press him for more information...if I can ever get Addi to shut up.

  "Oh." I remark, switching the conversation because Adrian was clearly uncomfortable. "So what were you and Marcus arguing about before that made the entire team look unstable."



My brother and best friend say at the same time.

"What?" I glare at them but was cut off by my mother calling Marcus and I over. "We're not done here." I look at Adrian and start waking to towards my mum.

I feel eyes burning through the side of my head and I look left. Only to see Oliver Wood watching me as he enters the train. We make eye contact, I smile and he looks away. Haha, I win.

"Why the bloody hell are you blushing?" Marcus asks.

Am I blushing? I better not be bloody blushing, I think. "Oh am I? It must just be the heat." I start fanning myself, "You know there's a lot of people in here. Congestion, you know?" My brother looks at me funny and I kick him the back of the heel. I snicker as he glares a million daggers at me.

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