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      I slept though the night, the first time I have in weeks. Normally I wake up in the middle of the night and just stare at the ceiling, but I felt so drained I didn't move until morning.

I was the last one awake, it was actually Addi who woke me up. "We're going to be late!" She claimed as she shook my shoulder. I groaned and rolled over.  "Hestia! Come on!" She continued to begg, now pulling on my arm.

"We're hungry!" Ashlee chimed in. "Ve already ved your cat too! Zo you didn't hav to! Ze cat even ate before us!"

"Go on with out me." I mumbled into my pillow. "I'll be down in a minute."

"Promise?" Ashlee says.

"Promise." I reply.

"Good! Let's go Addi, I'm ztarving." I heard the door close as they left the room and sunk back into my bed. I really should go up and eat, I hardly ate last night. But I'm just so tired, it's been months since I've had to wake up this early. I open one of my eyes to see Kitty sleeping next to me, I reach out to pet her and she starts to stretch, then falls back asleep. I'm jealous, she still gets to sleep.

I push myself out of bed, and force myself to open my suitcase with my school robes. I grab a sweater, leggings, and a robe to throw over them. I brush through my hair and throw on a pair of shoes. I check myself in the mirror, I looked pretty rough. I groan in frustration and start heading out the door. I pet Kitty on my way out and stop in the common room where I see my brother waiting for me.

"You look like hell." He says as we walk through the dungeon.

"I was trying to look like you today." I said simply.

He ignored my statement and said, "I'm thinking about having early mornings quidditch practices."

I stop walking so he runs into me, "No way. If you schedule early practices you'll be down a chaser, and you don't have a back up."

"I'm sure someone would love to replace you, Tia."

"On such short notice?"

"It's hardly short notice."

"I'm just trying to make a point, and besides mum and dad would flip if you cut me from the team."

"Fine then, no early practices."

"Leave that to the bloody Gryffindors, can't imagine what they're doing up at five in the morning."

"Running quidditch drills?"

"For two hours?"


"They still loose either way." I laugh, "Maybe that's why they loose, Wood runs them into the ground."

Marcus laughs along with me, "Maybe." We turn into the Great Hall and go to still by our friends. Adrian was sleeping with his arms folded by the table. Addi and Ashlee were looking through their Potions and Defense Against The Dark Arts textbooks.

BI sat next to Adrian and flicked his ear, waking him up. He startled "Bloody hell."

"Good to see you up and alive." Ashlee says to me.

"Hardly." I retort and throw pieces of toast and fruit onto my plate. "Adrian," I say. "Do you care to know what my idiot brother suggested that we do for quidditch practice."

"Not really."

"Well I'm telling you anyways-" I sigh,"He suggested we have early morning practices."

That woke Adrian up a little more, "No!" He looked at Marcus across the table, "You better not, you won't have chaser then."

"See?" I muse biting down on my toast, "It was a stupid idea."

"Yeah,yeah" Marcus stabs his eggs with a fork. He changes the subject "What's your first class Tia?"


"Me too. Do you have Divinations after?"

"No, Defense Against The Dark Arts."

Adrian who just got finished shoving food into his mouth, "I have Divinations with you Marc."

"So do I." Addi adds.

"Do any of you have Transfigurations after lunch today?" I ask. Everyone shakes their head. I huff through my nose, "Alrighty then."

Ashlee looks up from her book, sweeping her pale hair back. "Tia," she whispers, "Vhy is Oliver Wood staring at you?" I look back for a split second, and watch has Woods head turns back around.

Marcus must have heard, "Who?" He practically shouted. I smacked the back of his head.

"Shut up, damn near the entire Great Hall will hear your!" I growl.

"The hell is he staring at you for?"

"Would you stop acting like such an older brother for a second?," I snap. "He was probably staring at you and Pucey. You are his biggest competition!"

Addi chimes in, "Yeah, like sizing up the competition. Isn't that what he does every year?"

"They all do it." I retort. "It's almost time to go to class anyway, and I forgot to grab my herbology book."

"I'll walk with you," Addi offers. "I have to go to potions either way. I don't mind being early." I nod.

As we begin to walk away from the table Marcus calls after me, "Team Meeting tonight!"

I stop and complain, "What for? Qudditch doesn't start for another month!"

"We're going to settle the practice debate." He simply states, I groan internally as I wave a hand and continue to walk away. "Whatever, but no one's going to go for the four a.m. practices."

   I grabbed my book from my dorm after Addi had stopped in the potions classroom. I stop at the stairs on the main floor realizing I'm already late.

"Damnit!" Bloody fucking book. I start jogging toward the greenhouse, not really caring who or what I bump into in the process.

"The hell are you going in such rush, Flint?"

I sneer, knowing the voice anywhere. "If you need to know Wood, I'm late to herbology."

"Great," he says, "So am I." He starts walking besides me, and regrettably, I lower my pace.

"Lucky me."

"Where's your brother at?"

"Where the hell do you think he is Wood? Class started almost ten minutes ago!"

"Someone's happy this morning." He glared sarcastically.

"Well, Wood." I explain, "it's the first day, and I'm already late to my first class. Usually I wait until a week or two into the school year to skip classes. I don't want to give Professor Sprout the impression that I'm skipping her classes," I pause. "Again." 

"Skipping classes? What a Slytherin thing to do."

I glare, "What's that supposed to mean? Don't act like you've never skipped or been late, Wood. I remember divinations last year."

"You have me there, Lass." We walk in silence for a couple paces. Oliver clears his throat, "There is something I want to ask you, Hestia."

"Tia." I correct, my full name sounds too formal coming out of his mouth.

"Tia," The way he said my name sent shivers down my spine. "You know that Gryffindor is having a party Saturday night, right?"

"Yes, Wood. They have it every year at the beginning of school." No first,second, or third years. Plenty of alcohol though, muggleborns bring tons of it just for the parties. Last year I got so perfectly wasted that Adrian and Addi had to carry me back to my dorm. Marcus berated me the next morning even though he had blacked out himself and I didn't see him the entire night.

He exhaled, "I was wondering...if you wanted to go with me?" He smiles, and my heart skips a beat.

I burst out laughing , this seems entirely too easy. "What do you want Wood? Like for real, do you want to get back at Marcus or something? Didn't he make out with your cousin or something in Ravenclaw last year? Oh, or do you wanna know what our Qudditch game plan? Because I assure you Wood," I look up at him, holy shit he's tall. "We're playing even dirtier this year." Do I sound breathless?

He looked stunned. "I saw right through you? Didn't I, Wood." I smirk and push myself forward through the doors of the greenhouse.

"No-Well, yes. But,no," He tries to say, but is cut off by Professor Sprout.

"Oh so glad you could join us Ms.Flint and Mr. Wood!"

"Tia, what the hell." Marc remarks as I sit next to him.

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