𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 13

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(This has yet to be rewritten.)

"Do you know their name?" I asked, now even more intrigued.
"Unfortunately no. They will be introduced on the day that they start working so, on Monday" he said, I could hear the slight disappointment in his voice at the fact that he wasn't able to gain the new colleague's name.
I was actually quite anxious to meet them, it's been a while since I've worked with an assassin. I'd have to wait a whole other day before though. Then, I had an idea.

"Say, Chrollo, are you free tomorrow?" I asked.
There was silence on the other end for a bit. Right as I was about to see if Chrollo hung up on me, I heard his soft reply on the other end of the line.
"Yes, I am free tomorrow. Why do you ask, Y/n?" there was something hidden inside his voice that I couldn't quite recognize.
"I wanted to know if you'd like to spend time with me for the day. I figured that since I had you on the line at the moment and I had nothing to do tomorrow, I would ask." I shrugged.

There was more silence and then, shortly after, I gained an airy chuckle from Chrollo. "Yes, Y/n. I would love to spend time with you tomorrow." I could hear the smile in his voice, and I couldn't help but picture a breathtaking smile displayed on his pale lips.
"Great, let's go to a cafe tomorrow morning, would you mind picking me up?"

"I wouldn't mind at all" he sounded quite happy. That's nice. I'm pretty happy too, considering the fact that I now have something to do tomorrow.
"Great, pick me up at 11 okay?"
"Mhm, sounds good, it's a date" he chuckled
Wait- What?
My eyes widen and just as I'm about to say something, he hung up. Leaving me there, confused.

(Time skip brought to you by: Author writing this at a hairdresser appointment)

The next morning, I woke up at 9, the sun rays escaping through the gaps in between my curtains. Leaving me with, at least, an hour and 45 minutes to get ready before Chrollo arrives at my door.
I rolled out of bed and walked into my bathroom. After splashing cold water in my face to help wake up, I stared at my reflection. Other than the fact that I had just woken up and look exhausted, I guess my appearance wasn't so bad.
I ate an apple and gathered my things. Starting a washing after getting dressed, I closed the door to the laundry room behind me.
Chrollo soon showed up a bit later. I was sitting on my couch and was looking through a book when I heard the doorbell ring. I checked the time on my phone and noticed that he was early, of course he was. Chrollo is either early or exactly on time, never late.

I answered the door and was greeted with a blinding smile. His soft black hair was a mess as he leaned against the doorway, I'm surprised that he didn't care to slick it back.
"Are you ready to go, (Y/n)?" he asked and twirled his car keys around his index finger. I fought the urge to reach forward and run my fingers through his hair.
"Oh! Right, yes." I smiled, stuffing my hands in the pockets of my coat after quickly putting it on. I then grabbed the scarf that he had given me and quickly wrapped it around my neck.

My eyes met Chrollo's as he watched me. Seeing me put the scarf that he had given me on, his eyes seemed to soften and I could have sworn that I saw a small rise of color come to his cheeks.
"Okay, let's go." For some reason, I suddenly felt giddy.
He gently grabbed my hand and led me to his car, intertwining his fingers with mine. I looked at him but he just kept his gaze forward, my cheeks turning a little pink.

He opened the car door for me and I stepped inside, sat down in the seat, and pulled the seatbelt across me to tie myself in.
Chrollo opened the door beside me and sat in the driver's seat. After making sure everything was okay and asking if I had forgotten anything, he started up the car. During the ride to a cafe near my place, I stared out the window, counting down the trees as they passed us by. It was silent, neither of us spoke until Chrollo finally decided to break the silence.
"What did you eat this morning?"
"Oh, um, an apple" I shrugged, looking at Chrollo for the first time since we started the car

He furrowed his brow and looked at me when we had reached a red light. "An apple? That's it?" he sounded somewhat angry but I couldn't quite tell.
"Yeah, I wasn't that hungry."
"I'm buying you something when we get to the cafe" he said firmly, and I straightened my back out in my seat.
"Chrollo, no. You don't have t-"
"I will, (Y/n). You need to eat, it's not healthy to skip meals." he flashed me a smile and continued looking forward once the light turned green.

We got to the cafe a few minutes later and Chrollo opened the door for me. I stepped out and heard the car door close behind me, followed by the quick beep signalling that the doors had been locked.
Grabbing my hand once more, Chrollo led me inside the warm cafe. The wooden floors creaked underneath our weight as we walked to the wooden counter to order.  
Chrollo ordered a black coffee with two sugars and I took a small fruit smoothie before sitting at a round table. Chrollo sat in front of me and gave me a chocolate croissant wrapped in a napkin.

"Here, eat it while it's still warm" he smiled, as I unwrapped it
"Chrollo, thank you, I'll pay you back" I reached towards my wallet but was stopped by Chrollo grabbing my wrist.
"There's no need, just consider it another gift"

I started eating the sweet croissant and Chrollo took a sip of his coffee.
"So, (Y/n), I wanted to ask you something and decided to take this as an opportunity."
"Alright, ask away." I looked up at him and he intertwined his own fingers together

"(Y/n), please, go out with me."

Remember Me (Illumi x reader) (Modern)Where stories live. Discover now