Chapter 7

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"Precious POV:*
As we got closer to them, Jungkook stood up in shock.

He looked me dead in the eyes and I wasn't planning on looking away either; but he finally did.

"And then?", RM asked in surprise.

"Is that Euphoria...!?", J-Hope rhetorically asked.

"And he's not photoshopped", Taehyung dumbfoundedly added.

"Aww! Jimin can you please hand him over?", Jin said his eyes glistening with love.

He then took him and his other hand was all over Euphoria's face.

Euphoria always cries when someone he is unfamiliar with takes him.

But he was hee-haw with the members.

"He's even cuter in person", Suga said holding Euphoria's hand.

Talent was clicking pictures and taking videos.

"Please don't post those", RM told Talent.

Jungkook on the other hand was dead in his tracks, looking fixedly at me.

*Jungkook POV:*
Looking at Precious, I couldn't think of anything else.

I wanted to apologize at that instant but everyone was there.

I shifted my gaze slowly, from Precious to Euphoria.

And millions of questions popped up in my mind.

Did she get pregnant?

Is Euphoria our child?

Is he really my child or not?

Why does he look so much like me though?

Am I really a dad?

I returned my gaze back to Precious and her face answered all my questions.

"Here, you take him Jungkook!", Jin handed Euphoria over, bringing me back to reality.

Our eyes met and there definitely was a connection.

"You guys look cute together", RM complimented.

"It's a shame he's not your kid", the girl besides Precious said.

My heart shattered.

But with Euphoria in my arms, I found reason to smile.

Just then Precious took him from me and said, "It's getting late. We should get going or else Euphoria will catch a cold".

Euphoria cried, making my heart break even more.

"Baby Kookie doesn't wanna leave Jungkookie huh?", Jin said trying to cheer Euphoria up, but to no avail.

"It was really nice meeting you all! I hope we meet again", Jimin said beaming.

"Like wise. I'm sure this really made Euphoria happy on his 1st birthday. Goodbye", Precious said turning to leave.

The goodbyes lasted for the next 15 minutes.

They finally left.

I looked at them until their figures diminished.

"What's up with you? You haven't said anything since I returned", Jimin asked concerned.

"What would you say if you just saw an original copy of yourself?", J-Hope said packing up not even paying attention.

"I-I- I'm just tired, the sooner we get done here would be the better", I said giving hand.

On our ride home, I didn't even say a word.

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