Chapter 9

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"Finally!" An older man came into view approaching the duo. 

He didn't seem to have noticed the little girl as he grabbed Anthony into a loving embrace.

"Bernie." Anthony chuckled patting the individual's back.

Arista instantly assessed the man from head to toe.

He wasn't well built like Anthony, rather a little plump around the edges but it was the aura surrounding him that won Arista over.

He had warm features that automatically puts everyone at ease, he had a kind smile that makes one comfortable and a hearty laugh which created a pleasant atmosphere.

Anthony pulled back with one of his arm still strung on his friend's shoulder as he smiled jovially at the dark-haired boy standing at a little distance from them.

His eyes had never moved from Arista and for a second the girl swore she saw a brief flash of hostility in his dark brown eyes. The action momentarily surprised her but she did not get the moment to contemplate on it as her teacher spoke up from beside her. 

"Tyson my boy!" Anthony chuckled as he beckoned the youth forward."How have you been?"

"Sulking since you didn't take him on your trip." Bernie quipped a teasing glint in his gaze.

"I have not." The boy retorted in irritation still not moving from his place as he glared at Arista. "Who's she?"

Finally, Bernie following the boy's burning gaze noted the slender figure of the red-haired girl behind Anthony.

"Oh my." He gasped in surprise. "My senses must be dulling! I didn't even see the little one over there."

Arista smiled politely hardly offended by his unawareness, she had seen how occupied he was with hugging Anthony fondly that she didn't even feel like intruding.  

"I'll make the introductions but how about we go inside first," Anthony suggested wanting to get everything over with at one go than in parts.

Bernie frowned but shrugged in agreement.

This was interesting. 

Bernie let his eyes follow the girl's small frame as he curiously observed her. She was young, probably Tyson's age, she had a sweet smile, pretty features and graceful movements. It was certain that she came from an affluent family but he couldn't quite understand why she was with his friend.

In all his life Anthony had never brought a stranger home, he would hardly ever mingle with anyone and yet unexpectedly today he had this little child with him.

It baffled Bernie but he didn't comment further knowing he would have his explanation soon enough. 

All this while Arista stared at the back of the dark-haired guy as she followed the men into the mansion. He was tall for a teenager, with his dishevelled hair, alluring looks and rusty brown eyes.

Tyson, Anthony had called him and she recalled it as the name of one of the twins.

But why had he looked so very hostile to her?

Walking away from the backyard and into what looked like a hall with an open kitchen right across, they found a bald, middle-aged man sitting on the dining table with a plate of poached eggs and bacon, his head stuck in the newspaper. While adjacent to him stood an older yet pretty woman with ginger hair and an apron scrubbing some dishes.

She was the first one to notice the group and her green eyes immediately lit up in elation as she set down the dishes.

"Anthony." She gave him a big grin as the bald man finally hearing the woman snapped his head to us.

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