Chapter 1

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Four little Hellhounds were found walking through the streets of Hell, and they came face to face with a young woman with blonde hair and she said, "Hey there little guys, are you lost?" The boys held each other and one of them said, "We found ourselves here after dying from something that is not understandable and we were good" The woman went on her knees and looked at the boys and said, "I'm really sorry about that, it's sad that good kids like you have to come here." The woman said as she couched to look at them. The brothers hugged each other and the woman thought off something and said, "How would you like me to take you boys in?" The brothers looked at the woman and the oldest said, "Really?" The woman hugged the boys and said, "I promise you that I will protect you all from whatever may hurt you." The boys felt safe as they smiled.

Time skip

In the Hazbin Hotel, Charlie was checking something until she saw a soda fan on the floor and she granted as she walked to one of the hotel's rooms and saw a teenage Hellhound sitting in a chair drinking a soda, the Hound was wearing a dark shirt with the arm holes ripped, dark pants, white shoes, purple gloves with the wrist parts having spikes around them, and his hair was long and spiky as well as his tail, and they were in the color of black. "T.K.O, did you leave cans lying around again?" Charlie asked the teen. "Yeah Mom, what about it? Nifty can clean it up since she likes to do that." T.K.O complained. "T.K.O, you gotta learn not to make messes in the hotel, we need people to come here." Charlie said. "And that fake boob named after a drug spider boy can live here while trash is lying around?" T.K.O asked. "Well, he's used to it, and you gotta stop making messes." Charlie said. "And what are you gonna do? Beat me up? You can't do it Mum, you're too nice to do that, and your girlfriend can't do it." T.K.O said. Charlie was a little annoyed and was about to say something, until a Hellhound teen at T.K.O's age, he is wearing similar clothes to T.K.O's and his gloves were red and he has a red headband, and his hair was a little shorter and brown. "Hey Mom, hey T.K.O." The Hellhound teen said as he was rubbing his eyes. "Hey K.O." T.K.O said. "K.O, can you tell your brother not to leave trash lying around?" Charlie asked. "T.K.O." K.O said to his brother. "Hey, teens are teens." T.K.O said. "Anyway, I came to ask if you wanted to come with me, C.K.O, and P.K.O to a nearby diner for breakfast today." K.O said, and T.K.O got up and said, "Sure man, good way to hang out with my big and little bro." T.K.O took the soda can from Charlie's hand and walked with K.O, and threw the canon the floor and Nifty came out of nowhere and picked it out and ran off. With K.O and T.K.O, they were accompanied by two more Hellhounds at their ages, one of them had his hair short like K.O's and brown like his and a red glove and purple glove, and the other one had his hair like K.O's with him wearing a blue headband, and his gloves were blue, and his eyes were yellow. "So, that do you guys want?" K.O asked his brothers. "How about bacon?" One of them asked. "I say omelets, potatoes, and sausage, C.K.O." The other brother said. "Bacon." C.K.O said with a smile. "What is it with C.K.O and bacon?" The other brother asked. "I don't know P.K.O." T.K.O said. "Guys, we're here." K.O said, as the brothers looked and saw they were at a diner. In the line, T.K.O said, "I say we get some pancakes." The brothers smiled as they agreed with T.K.O, and when they were next to order, they were bumped out of the way by Valentino as he said, "I would like three pancakes for me, Vox, and Velvet please." Valentino looked at K.O and his brothers and said, "Sorry boys, but daddy wants his pancakes." "He's not our dad." T.K.O said. "He's Valentino T.K.O, he's the overlord in pornography." P.K.O said. "But he didn't have to push us out of the way to get pancakes." T.K.O said as Valentino was leaving with three plates of Pancakes, and T.K.O ordered four pancakes for him and his brothers, but the front counter guy said, "Sorry, we're all out." "WHAT?!" T.K.O shouted. "Yeah, we used up the rest of the pancake batter for Valentino's pancakes, sorry about that, we'll get more for tomorrow ands enough to last long." The counter guy said. "Ah s@#$." T.K.O said. "But, we do have our other items on the breakfast menu." The counter guy said with a smile as C.K.O smile as he wanted bacon, and T.K.O looked furious as he looked at where Valentino was. With Valentino, he was sitting with Vox, and Velvet, eating the pancakes Valentino got and he said, "And I saw these four Hellhounds who apparently live in this ring in Hell." "I bet they lost their owner and are lost." Vox said with a smirk. "But I did see one of them, and he looked kinda cute." Said Velvet with a smile. T.K.O stood on the table as he looks at Valentino with a hint of anger as he panted hard. "Is this one of those Hellhounds you were talking about Val?" Velvet asked. Valentino didn't answer and said, "Is there anything I can help you with young? Because you're panting rather hard over my scrumptious flapjack." T.K.O didn't answer as he kept panting and Valentino was getting annoyed and said, "Look kid, if you're not gonna do anything but stand there like a rock or something, then get off my table and g- AH." T.K.O threw the pancake on Valentino's head, covering both the back of his head and his face and T.K.O threw eggs at the top of the pancake to make it look like eyes and a bacon for a mouth, and T.K.O poured syrup all over the pancake on Valentino's head. Everyone saw the action and they laughed as they found it funny, but K.O as his brothers got T.K.O and ran away, and Valentino got super angry as he removed the pancake from his face and it was covered in pancake pieces and syrup and he shouted, "OH THAT LITTLE S$&@. WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON HIM, I'M GONNA F$&@ HIM AND HIS BROTHERS IN THE A!@ES UNTIL THEY CAN'T MOVE AGAIN." "Val relax." Vox said, before Valentino went into his face and said, "Vox, shut the f$&@ up." "Chili out Val, it can't be that serious." Velvet said until Valentino shot her an angry look, and she shut up as well. With K.O and his brothers, they returned to the hotel and Charlie saw them and said, "Oh hey boys, you're back early." "Yeah, We had a bit of an issue." P.K.O said. "What happened?" Charlie asked as she placed her hands on her hips. "Nothing." T.K.O said as he sweated. Charlie then turned around and turned on the tv, and on the news, Valentino was on screen and said, "Hello residents of Hell, I am Valentino, Overlord who represents pornography. And I want to announce that today I'm a little mad. This morning, I was at a local dinner for breakfast with my boyfriend Vox, the TV Demon, and Velvet, the Social Media Demon." "What happened this morning?" Charlie asked as she looked at her sons, who were nervous as K.O said, "Oh boy." "For breakfast, me and my group were having pancakes, and this kid who appears to be a resident in Hell came to me with an angry look, and he threw the pancake on my head and made a stupid face on it and humiliated me in public and believe it or not, people laughed at me." Valentino said with a smile. Charlie looked at T.K.O and said, "T.K.O, did you blow a fuse again at a dinner?" "Maybe." T.K.O simply said. Valentino continued his news speech as he said, "Rest assured, I will find that boy and his brothers who were with him, and I when I find them, they'll be sorry, because I will punish them in ways that I haven't even dreamed up yet." The camera was acting weird as Valentino only said what the camera catched, "Now......For........Everyone to...." On Valentino's side, Velvet noticed the camera was acting up and said, "Val, the camera is about to go off, you might want to wrap it up." Valentino decided to do that and the camera still acted up and all it got Valentino saying was, "I...Like.....My.....Big.....But...." Charlie and the brothers couldn't help but laugh at the message and Valentino continued as the camera still acted up and said, "Do you....Like....My...Big....But....." The screen then showed Valentino doing a laughing face as Charlie and the brothers laughed hard, and everyone in town laughed as they saw the message, and the camera was acting better now and Valentino said, "And remember, I am open for women who will satisfy your desires and urges." Valentino was finished with his message as he looked away while the camera was still recording him and he said, "Hope that went well." Charlie turned off the tv as she and her sons kept laughing and she said, "Man, it sure was funny that the camera made him say something he didn't mean to say." "Not, first the diner and now the news." T.K.O said with laughs, and Charlie looked at her sons as she was done laughing and said, "And we're going to Valentino's workplace to apologize to him." T.K.O stopped laughing and said, "But Mom, he cutted in lane and took the last of the pancake batter, he got what was coming to him." Charlie grabbed T.K.O by the wrist and dragged him out of the hotel with the rest of the brothers following, and Husk watched at the bar as he drinked a beer and said, "Ha, that kid never gets anger management." At the Porn Studios, The family were walking to Valentino as he was smoking a cigarette and he said to Charlie, "Well if it isn't Lucifer's little failure of a daughter. What do you want?" "I brought my sons with me about what happened to you this morning." Valentino looked at the brothers and said, "Oh, you're the mother of those Hellhounds, especially that little s$&@ who humiliated this morning." T.K.O grunted and Charlie pushed him towards the moth demon and said, "Go on honey, apologize." T.K.O sighed and said, "I'm sorry that I embarrassed you and threw a pancake in your face for taking the last of the pancake batter at the diner." Valentino smiled as he breathed out some more smoke from his mouth and said, "Well, I guess I can forgive you." Valentino then got close to T.K.O's face and said, "But I'm still gonna f$&@ you and your brothers." "Mr. Valentino." Charlie said as she pulled T.K.O away from Valentino and said, "Sorry Princess, but I'm still gonna punish them, saying sorry or nothing is not gonna save them." "I don't want him to hurt me like how those people do you know what with each other." C.K.O said in fear. "Well your brother shouldn't have done that to me." Valentino said as he was preparing to attack them, until T.K.O said, "Wait, you jerky abusive banging prostitute wise a$& b$&@! A#*hole." Valentino looked at T.K.O with a hint of anger and said, "What now, you little s$&@?" "I say me and my brothers challenge you to a bet." T.K.O said and Valentino smiled and said, "Oh really, and what bet is that?" "We perform metal music to you and your group and a bunch of people." Charlie was shocked at her son's idea to play metal music, and Valentino smoked again as he said, "Well this can be interesting, four little turds rocking out metal as I watch them. What's the catch?" "If we are bad at our show and everyone is not impressed, you can have your little revenge on us, but if we win, you have to not get your revenge on us." Valentino nodded and said, "And if you're gonna be a band, what is the name of it?" Before the brothers could say anything, T.K.O spoke first and said, "Demonica." The brothers were surprised at the name, and Valentino smiled and said, "I like the sound of that name, suits for the Hell theme and pretty Metal for you." "Yeah." T.K.O said with a smile and Valentino said, "At the live Stadium, 6pm, perform one song in your metal genre, and don't be late to perform it." "Oh we'll be there to rub our victory in your face." T.K.O said with a smile. "And I will be waiting to see you lose and have your a@&es ruined by me." Valentino said as he brought his cigarette to his mouth. The brothers and Charlie left the studio as Valentino smiled and said, "Can't wait to teach those four brats what happens when they mess with me."

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